The recent claim by leftists that conservatives aim to "ban contraception" is a doozy as banning contraception was never on the table. When George Stephan-snuffle-uff-a-gus grilled Romney "Do states have the right to ban contraception?", what came out of left field, literally, was a deliberate seed plant by either a leftist George (who parades around as an objective news reporter) or his unethical surrender to his leftist superiors to keep abortion under the labeling of "contraception".
Conception is when sperm meets egg.
Contraception is preventing that meeting. From the physical walls of condoms or diaphragms to hormonal manipulation of the pill to free and non-evasive "pull and pray" or church approved rhythm method, all contraception are a sort of shell and egg game preventing the meeting of sperm and egg disrupting conception. Contra-ception.
Abortion is to not to disrupt conception, but pregnancy. The sperm and egg do meet. The egg is fertilized. The egg does attach to the womb. (And here's the important part.) The fertilized egg grows, earning the title of embryo. And months later… cutting it out and killing it aborts a process otherwise left untended would produce a rights earned, sentient human being.
Leftists would have us believe the debate over abortion is about a woman's right to choose what she does with her body. But the debate is not about what birth control she chooses or if she should engage in sexual activity. Rather over when a person is a person and earning rights all persons share. When is that embryo a human? Sooner or later? If just to err on the side of caution, the conservative chooses sooner.
Not long ago, when no one knew what was going on in the womb, it was easy to say this hidden bump was not a sentient human until seeing it. Plus, should the baby be born early, it's survival sans mother was bleak. But with modern medicine, babies born at 2 pounds survive and 3-D color photos of babies in the womb reveal what was once a mystery.
As science advances, society pushes back the threshold of sentient "life" deserving of rights further and further. In an estimated 50 years, if progress continues, science will push back the threshold to the moment of conception. Again what theist already knew. And a hockey stick graph the leftists wish not to see…
So as society slowly realizes abortion no longer deserves the contraception label, the left fabricates a lie, "Hey! Conservatives want to ban contraception!" to gin up the "slippery slope".
Besides… if the most basic contraception is abstinence, and conservatives wish to ban contraceptives, then tell young voters if they wish to have sex, vote conservative! According to "objective news" the conservative wishes to ban not having sex! Or is this twist of definitions coming too far from left field?
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