Monday, June 25

Imperial Edict.

By this time, it’s obvious that our glorious leader and fearless visionary is facing a very dicey path on his way to ‘another four years’. The facts are that no one in their right mind wants to see another four years of government sponsored penury… or government tyranny. Barack Hussein Obama committed his latest unconstitutional and illegal act by pronouncing the illegal alien ‘dream act’ through imperial fiat. Nothing, but nothing, this president has done to date is going to have the slap-in-the-face effect that his latest pandering will generate.

While the extra-constitutional behavior of Barack Hussein has the Kool-Aid crowd breathless with adoration, it hasn’t done much for his public relations image with the rest of the country. This is a country of immigrants. The synthesis of many cultures has gone into the formation of this country. The freedoms we enjoy and the opportunities those freedoms represent have been the beacon of promise for millions of legal immigrants… my own ancestors included. They prospered, we prospered, because of what they did, not because of what they had been given. They depended on government for nothing, except to stay out of their way. That’s exactly as the founders envisioned and intended for it to work.

Obama’s consistent theme of Balkanizing America and Americans may have come home to roost as well. Many, including myself, have had more than our fill of Obama and his administration dividing this country and its people. I have many friends and neighbors who are, by definition, ‘minorities’. The community where I live has people of many nationalities… and guess what? We talk to each other… we watch over our neighbors and their homes as good neighbors should. We care about the security of our homes, our families and, yes, our country too.

I’m a pretty conservative guy… if you hadn’t taken notice before. Many of my neighbors are, at least nominally, Democrat. Most were Obama supporters in 2008 as was most of the country, caught up in the fever of the possibility of America’s first black president and, at long last, the expiation of the oft-described but very much self-inflicted white guilt. Obama’s support out here in the ‘hood’ has evaporated like morning mist over a pond. His racism will be the millstone around the neck of his entire administration, because in the final analysis race is what he based his presidency on.

The ‘recession’ which started in 2007 was the direct result of out-of-control Democrat policy towards banking, housing, and mortgage banking. That there was substantial Republican involvement involved in the housing crash and the subsequent recession is not in question. We have to clean our own house… which is in progress as we speak, witnessed by the number of RINO Republican and establishment types being turned out of office.

Americans are focused on the illegal alien importation fiat proclaimed by the ‘wondrous one’. We as a people are sick and tired of the immigration game played by both parties. Our imperial presidente is betting the farm on his campaign of divisive hatred and balkanization. It’s a losing bet. Now is the time to double down on our own efforts to affect this most important election cycle in modern American history. Let’s get Mitt Romney elected and then hold his and his government’s feet to the fire over this most fundamental facet of American sovereignty.

Self deportation works. Secure our borders and start holding American business and politicians responsible for their role in fostering illegal immigration.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

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