Monday, July 16

Brides Bash Obama's June Fundraising Effort

Okay, I am just off of the EVO'12 conference in Park City (which was FABULOUS!) and overflowing with ideas on how to take my political lifestyle blog to the next level:
or fundamentally transform my blog to address interesting and relevant lifestyle issues while also offering giveaways which only include things I really, really like. The caveat being this transformation can't in any way, shape or form compromise the excitement and energy blogging on political brings me. Yes, it's a tall order! 
With this all said, I think I landed on my first politically charged lifestyle story without even trying! Thank you David Axelrod! Having just spent quality time with mommy bloggers from all over the country (and world) including several very creative wedding and foodie bloggers, I thought recapping today's Daily Caller story in my own words and theirs was fitting.

'Hell No!" says American brides to Obama for America. That's right, those brides who we love to watch and even giggle about when they throw tantrums on "Say Yes to the Dress" are standing up and saying Hell NO!  Even these chicks know better — you don't mix politics with wedding bliss.

On one hand, you have to admire the audacity of Obama's campaign staffers managing the slightly odd and off-putting Event Registry effort. But, on the other hand, I am LOL-ing imagining Obama for America branded tin cans streaming behind the back of cars nationwide with "Just Married" signs adorning the windows and bride's grimacing on route to their honeymoon.

As The Daily Caller reported (which made my post-EVO conference day just a tad funnier):
President Obama’s bizarre marriage-theme fund-raising scheme — where he asks couples to request campaign donations from their guests in lieu of wedding gifts — has been a total flop.

The desperate initiative, dubbed “the Event Registry,” is being mocked by event planners and couples — and shows how desperate the Obama campaign is to keep up with GOP contender Mitt Romney’s fund-raising.

Campaign officials launched the initiative in late June, the same month Obama raised just $71 million compared to Romney’s $100 million.
Not sure how desperate Obama truly is as it appears he has millions or even close to a billion to spend on disputing Romney's time at Bain and which jobs were created where against his own very poor, jobless tenure as POTUS. But, what I can tell you is our President has an inherent and hard-to-dispute ego that doesn't appear to quit even when it comes to the sacred bride. 
I suppose our commander and chief felt that "his special day in November" was just a tad more important than giving the blushing bride the spotlight.
Until the next post...HERE COMES THE BRIDE!

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