I can’t take credit for the title. I was getting ready for work last Tuesday morning at ‘O dark thirty’. I was listening to our local conservative blowtorch, KSFO 560 AM morning drive show, starring that great nemesis of the Greenie crowd, Brian Sussman. He was talking to an American citizen of Cuban descent whose parents escaped the wonderland of Castro’s communist Cuba. Brian asked him how to say ‘skinny’ in Spanish… and they came up with the gag-line Flaco Communisto. The rest is my own invention, especially apropos given the high regard our glorious leader obviously has for he, himself and well… himself.
More and more Americans are beginning to see that the (self) anointed one is the diametric opposite of hope and change. Unless, of course, you happen to be one of the twenty percent of the American population who are content to exist on whatever meager largess the socialistas masters determine is your share of the communist paradise. America is facing the greatest threat to our existence, our way of life, our freedom and our national security since World War Two, possibly since the Civil War.
The DeMarxists, led by some of the most mind-numbed people it has ever been our misfortune to come across, are desperately attacking our presumptive Republican candidate for president, Mitt Romney. Using vile and provably false accusations, without the barest connection to reality other than the fevered imaginings of their own sick minds. MaoBama, the heartthrob of the ne’er do well ‘somebody owes us something for nothing’ crowd, is scraping the bottom of the political barrel for every filthy diatribe that he and his fellow commies can conceive.
The attacks against Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital are disingenuous in the extreme. The most hilarious aspect of this slander, from the Patriot point of view, is that many of the DeMarxist crowd that are doing the loudest braying about Bain are themselves deeply invested in companies both here and offshore… and have been for many years.
Obama and his Greenie Communists are in deep trouble and they know it. We, as American Patriots, and most particularly we of the new media, cannot allow the ‘old media’, that which I prefer to call the Lame Stream Press, to camouflage their lies and prevarications while running cover for Barack Hussein’s lies and falsehoods.
It’s time to be rid of ‘El Flaco Communista’ once and for all.Saddle up!
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2012
Monday, July 16
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