Wednesday, January 2

Cantor Challenge Boner for Speaker of the House

(Gaurdian) It's rare for the top two members of the House leadership to split on an important vote. House speakers typically don't even vote at all unless it is necessary to break a tie. So it may have been a clarifying moment when speaker of the House John Boehner and House majority leader Eric Cantor parted ways on the deal that ended the long national nightmare known as the fiscal cliff. Boehner voted for the bipartisan agreement negotiated between Vice-President Joe Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell; Cantor breathed the final moments of life into the opposition. As reports of the meeting leaked out, observers began to wonder if a Cantor coup against Boehner was brewing. Could Cantor make a move? The conditions are there, but an exhausted Republican caucus may ultimately flinch from a change at such an uncertain time. And if Cantor doesn't run, it's hard to see anyone else mustering the votes to oust Boehner.
The Washington Establishment is alive and well with Boner leading the pack. Boner had enough votes to stop the fiscal cliff. In other words, Boner accepted to raise taxes. Let me make this clear. Raising taxes will not be use to cut the deficit. It will be used to spend more. If the American people truly believe Obama wants to cut the deficit, these people are morons. The House Speaker has shown that he will join in Obama's stupidity. The Tea Party favor Cantor displayed disgust. He had enough with moderate Republicans. We may see a challenge in the House Leadership. There is still more purging of moderates in the Republican House of Representatives.

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