by Mark A. Cohen
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From the Left to the Right’s Facebook Page
Lois Lerner Targeted Conservatives and Took the 5th
Are you ready for the IRS to grow in size? It will, because it is the governmental agency tasked with enforcing the Obamacare tax. Can you wait? Members of the self-described “most transparent administration in history,” top IRS leaders took the 5th amendment when testifying before Congress. No, it doesn’t say they’re guilty, but does it do anything for President Obama’s claims of leading an honest administration?
Okay, perhaps four, but not 292.
The defenders of President Obama said that the Bush Administration’s IRS targeted liberal groups (so zeroing in on Tea Party groups is okay). Perhaps, but they didn’t go after liberal groups by the hundreds as the IRS did under the Obama administration. They didn’t do it to weaken their opponents in order to win an election.
We don’t remember Senator Joe McCarthy, we’ve learned nothing from history.
Remember Senator Joe McCarthy (R-WI)? He’s the one who accused everyone on the left of being a Communist during the early 1950’s. He terrorized liberals during that time, and caused a horrific fear - for many - of being prosecuted for associating with anyone who thought liberal thoughts - to continue well into the 1990’s. He didn’t understand that America would experience a severe backlash from the left during all of the following years. He kept accusing until he insinuated that Republican President Eisenhower was a Communist. That’s when his reign of terror ended. - These guys don’t remember? After McCarthyism, how could they possibly support a policy to target conservative groups? How did they think it would make conservatives – and/or members of the Tea Party feel? What might conservative administrations do in the future? Most importantly, is it right to target anyone? Of course not.
IRS Star Trek Video.
Not only did the IRS target Tea Party groups, but they wasted plenty of taxpayer dollars (estimated at $60,000) by producing several videos. One parodied Star Trek, and another showed team-building exercises, including line-dancing. Recall that they spent over $50 million on conferences, some held in Las Vegas. Congressman Trey Gowdy called them, “maliciously self-indulgent,” as many IRS employees stayed in luxury hotel suites.
IRS Team Building, Line Dancing Video.
Should this agency, this corrupt IRS, run Obamacare? Will they be fair, or target conservatives when making health decisions, specifically, who should get an operation, and who should not? Should this wasteful agency hire 60,000 more workers? How much more of our taxpayer dollars will they waste?
You are not eligible for your operation because you are a Tea Party member.
Have a nice 4th of July!
Stopping the UN in the Southwest
Please enjoy my previous posts related to U.N. Agenda 21:
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #1, 2/28/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #2, 3/27/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #3, 4/17/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #4, 7/10/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #5, 10/30/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #6, 12/04/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #7, 01/08/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #8, 06/12/13
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #9, 06/18/13
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #10, 06/26/13
Obamacare explained in one long sentence
Jon Stewart finds intolerance at the DNC
Scroll down: Rosa Koire explains Agenda 21
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Keywords: Conservatism, Conservative blog, Mark A. Cohen, From the Left to the Right, Annalee Newitz, Agenda 21, Death-Proofing Cities, Sustainability, Mass Extinction, Scatter, Adapt
Keywords: "Conservatism", "Conservative blog", "Mark A. Cohen", "From The Left to the Right", “Annalee Newitz”, “Agenda 21”, “Death-Proofing Cities”, “Sustainability”, “Mass Extinction, Scatter, Adapt”
Mark A. Cohen is currently seeking representation for his memoir, From The Left to the Right.
Mark A. Cohen is a member of and helps run the Parker Writers Group (Check out their Facebook page here)
Or, see the Parker Writers Group Web page here
Mark A. Cohen’s web site,, is now under construction.
Mark A. Cohen is a member of the Castle Rock Writers (Check out their Facebook page here) Their web page,, will also take you to the Facebook page until the web page is completed.
Mark A. Cohen currently sits on the committee which hosted the previous Castle Rock Writers Conference on October 13, 2012. He is currently their Vice-Treasurer. The group, whose motto is Rock Solid Writing, is seeking their 501c3.
Please save the date: Castle Rock Writers will hold the Castle Rock Writers Conference on Saturday, November 23, 2013, at the Douglas County Events Center in Castle Rock, Colorado. Please stay tuned for further information.
Mark A. Cohen will soon be a published author, as the Castle Rock Writers are under contract to write and publish The Chronicles of Douglas County, Colorado, in 2014.
Mark A. Cohen spoke for about 20 minutes at the Coffee4Conservatives meeting at the Firehouse on State Road 83, in Franktown, CO, on Oct. 21, 2012.
Mark A. Cohen spoke for about 30 minutes at the Douglas County Republicans’ First Friday Breakfast in Parker, CO, held at The War Horse Inn, on Dec. 2, 2011.
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