The Scourge Of Obamacare
Survival 101
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
As each day goes by and we see Obamacare unraveling, I become even more convinced that Obamacare was designed, from the very beginning, to fail!
ultimate goal (I am convinced) of the left in America is to create a
single payer socialized medicine program for the citizens of America.
Obamacare is NOT IT!
The individual mandate must be done away with before that can happen.
single-payer health care system is one in which a single-entity -- the
government -- collects almost all of the revenue for and pays almost all
of the bills for the health care system. In most single-payer systems
only a small percentage of health care expenses are paid for with
private funds. Countries that have a single-payer system include
Australia, Canada, Sweden and the United Kingdom." SOURCE:
America's leftists, Marxists, Socialists and Progressives needed a
"foot - in - the - door program" upon which they could build,
incrementally, until they reach that goal.
It would be necessary for Obamacare to fall short of its stated goals but be just effective enough
to lure the unsuspecting American voters toward a more all encompassing
socialized approach to delivering healthcare in America. I am
convinced that is happening, even as we write these few words.
Convincing Americans to support a single payer healthcare system will be NO PROBLEM for Obama.
I watched a video of a gentleman gathering signatures on a petition to
repeal the Bill of Rights. Americans were signing it, right and left,
even though he made it clear it was to REPEAL the Bill of Rights! It
seemed the key phrase was: "It will help Obama ... ." That leads me to
believe the "Obama Cult" is alive and well. In a country as
illiterate, as sick, as America is today -- that is a dangerous thing,
-- VERY dangerous, indeed!)
PLEASE understand: Under a single payer system everyone has health insurance but NOT NECESSARILY HEALTH CARE! See: ACCESS to healthcare is necessarily limited under a single payer system because too many people use it too much ... because it is FREE! You can see how this would put a humongous strain on government health care budgets, and to contain costs governments must ration care.
left argues that a single payer system would have lower administrative
costs and that would hold the cost of healthcare down.
Er, No. That's wrong.
It is not administrative cost that drive the cost of healthcare up. It is the overuse of the system by the patients.
The private insurance industry in America must be destroyed for single payer "Obamacare II" to be born.
government run health Insurance company would be exactly the tool
needed to shutter private insurance companies in America and drive
currently insured Americans into the arms of the government owned
company -- while at the same time demonstrating the “need” for a
universal healthcare system even though the “need” was created by the
government itself.
like to recommend an article for you to read to help clarify what a
single payer healthcare system is really about and a few things you can
expect and NOT expect. The article is entitled: "The Myths of
Single-Payer Health Care." It was written by David Hogberg. You will
find it here: )
And another thing: Where, exactly, does the government expect to get the doctors for Obamacare?
Has anyone in Washington thought of a solution for our doctor shortage,
yet? I mean - NEW medical students will only decide to enter medical
schools if they know that they can make a living once they graduate and
set up their practice. It costs a bundle to attend medical school and it
takes years for doctors to pay off their loans plus finance their
“start-up” business. It is common sense; it seems to me, to ask (as a
medical student) if I will be able to make a living as a medical doctor in the United States under Obamacare.
about it for a moment. If you take away a doctor’s ability to make a
fair and decent living in his chosen profession, then why in the world
would he/she want to take on the expense of putting themselves through
med school and the added expense of setting up a business, or a
“practice; as we call it here in the states. It seems to me that in
fairly short order, we will have a host of med schools sitting empty
with few, or no students - and very soon after that we can expect to have an even larger shortage of doctors in America.
understand we already have a shortage of primary care physicians right
now. That is somewhere in the range of 40 to 50 thousand primary care
physicians we need and do not have even today. Imagine the impact on
American society when our youngsters decide they are not going to be
doctors, when they grow up, because they cannot make a living at it.
The doctor shortage is REAL!
With all the new patients being dumped onto the rolls of doctor's
offices and hospitals across the nation, there is simply no way the
America medical community will be able to handle that influx. NOW we are looking at rationing -- if for no other reason than we cannot handle the load.
one thinks about it, Obamacare begins to look very much like all the
many pieces of knee-jerk legislation created in Washington over the
years that ends up causing far more problems than it solves.
then, again, we have come to expect this type of "thrown together
legislation" under the Obama Regime as they rush to try to take
advantage of the crisis du jour while the attention of
Americans is diverted towards some problem that has been blown all out
of proportion by the media and the government. It is a con job - and not
a very good con job at that.
of this prompts me to ask the obvious question: Just how dumb does
Obama and his cohort in Washington think we are, anyway? Pretty dumb, I
suspect. (I honestly have to agree with Obama and his henchman about the intelligence of the average American voter today.) After all, Americans DID elect Obama (TWICE!)
and the other socialist in Congress to the offices they hold. That
fact, alone, convinced this scribe of the extremely high ignorance
factor amongst Americans -- in so far as politics is concerned.
Obama’s election was a huge; I MEAN HUGE, victory for ignorance in America. There is simply no other way to explain the man’s election.
damage to America has been done in the four and a half, or so, years
Obama has been thrashing about bludgeoning democracy with his socialist
ideas and plans. He has trashed the American economic system, raped and
pillaged the US treasury, and given immeasurable hope to this nation’s
enemies. He has set up a government within the government, which is answerable only to him.
His aspiration to some form of dictatorship for himself has become so
evident that it is troublesome even to some on the political left.
America is still reeling from the near collapse of it's monetary and
financial system. And those of us who actually pay attention to our
country -- and the world we live in -- understand that we are a long way from recovery, from healing.
Many Americans are beginning to understand that inflation will be raising its ugly head very soon, as well. In fact, inflation is already on the rise.
Even if one were weak enough to believe all the "improving numbers" from Washington, one would have to be a fool to believe that America is anywhere near a recovery and a turn around.
At some point, this house of cards Obama has crafted, is going to come crashing down. It is SOCIALISM and the record of socialism is one of total failure, 100% failure, every time it is tried.
When it does come crashing down, there will be much weeping, and
wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Believe me, it will not be pretty.
internal strife that has riven America in twain will become ever so
much more evident and more pronounced than it is at the moment. To say ONLY that it will do a lot of damage to America - damage that will take generations to repair, will become an oh, so, obvious understatement.
Newt Gingrich once said: "We're
at the crossroads. Down one road is a European centralized bureaucratic
socialist welfare system in which politicians and bureaucrats define
the future. Down the other road is a proud, solid, reaffirmation of
American exceptionalism."
As Mr. Gingrich points out, America's choices are extremely clear. Understand: If we make the wrong choice -- we cannot come back decades from now claiming that we were confused. Look, dear reader -- this is "Survival 101."
© J. D. Longstreet
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1 comment:
This is all painfully true. As usual, you hit it on the head, J.D. (and then you smashed the crap out it with a mortar, metaphorically speaking, of course.)
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