Monday, August 5

No Mr. Nice Guy - It's Time to Take the Gloves Off!

From: The Powers That Be

Idiotic Quote of the Week: There’s Plenty of Money, Problem is the Government Doesn’t Have It

Lefties are salivating over the prospect of a bill with a fittingly commie-sounding name: The “Inclusive Prosperity Act.” The bill would impose a tax on the trading of stocks, bonds and derivatives and is really, incredibly, horribly stupid. Which is why people like Rep. Keith Ellison support it as a way of funneling more money to the government:
“People like, George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Paul Krugman, Joe Stiglitz, Jeffrey Sax, Dean Baker, Robert Poland, Larry Summers have said they all support a transaction tax,” Ellison said.
“The bottom line is we’re not broke, there’s plenty of money, it’s just the government doesn’t have it,” Ellison continued, “The government has a right, the government and the people of the United States have a right to run the programs of the United States. Health, welfare, housing – all these things.”
Well, if Krugman supports it, it’s definitely a bad idea.
Capitalist-socialist hypocrites like Soros pitch this idea like it’s a “one percent” thing, but over half of Americans have money in the stock market. Just what we need, another tax on working America just because Keith Ellison and the rest of the tax and spenders need more and more to satisfy their crack-addict style addictions.
It’s just a matter of time before people like Ellison are opening calling for the government to raid savings accounts (he’ll refer to it as “involuntary FDIC premium payments” or something like that).

Did you ever notice how often the way you are introduced to liberals is by reading about something stupid they said?  I never heard of Keith Ellison before I saw this.  It is simply amazing to me that people who say such stupid things can rise to such heights.  This story is in pretty small type, so let’s see if I can blow up what he said for you.

“People like, George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Paul Krugman, Joe Stiglitz, Jeffrey Sax, Dean Baker, Robert Poland, Larry Summers have said they all support a transaction tax,” Ellison said.
“The bottom line is we’re not broke, there’s plenty of money, it’s just the government doesn’t have it,” Ellison continued, “The government has a right, the government and the people of the United States have a right to run the programs of the United States. Health, welfare, housing – all these things.”

There, that’s better, you shouldn’t have to strain to see stupidity.  First of all, he drops a bunch of names.  I suppose he thinks that we should be so impressed and intimidated by the mere mention of these men’s names and “fact” (I didn’t care enough to check it out.) that they support such a measure, that we will all cower in fear and back away from opposing it.  That’s stupid enough, but he goes on.

He says that "We're not broke". Uh, yes we are. We're worse than broke, we're $17 trillion in the hole! Then he says that it's a problem that the government can't just go and take all the money it wants from the private sector. Hey Keith, those people earned that money. What has the government done to deserve it?

He then goes on to say that the government and the people have a “right” to run programs such as health, welfare, housing, and “all these things”.  

Mr. Ellison, I challenge you to get a copy of the constitution and show us where it says, or implies that people or government have that “right”.

I suspect that Mr. Ellison does not even know what a right is.  Most people don’t.  Ask someone what a right is sometime. For a complete understanding of what a right is read:

Many people think they know what a right is, but they are unable come up with a correct and intelligent definition of one, but then again most people are not congressmen, Keith is.  I also suspect that Keith does not know a lot of things - things you’d expect a congressman to know, like how wealth is created, what spurs and curtails economic activity, and who ultimately pays for taxes, no matter what they are levied upon.

Conservatives are constantly being accused of being racists.  The good news is that that’s starting to wear thin.  Average people are beginning to see through it.

I think it’s time for conservatives to go after liberals for stupidity, the way liberals go after conservatives, accusing us of racism.  Forget being nice.  If they call us racists, it’s fair for us to call them stupid.
Let’s go after liberals every time they say something stupid.  We will have an abundance of new opportunities to do this every day.  Let’s hold their feet to the fire and force them to explain the stupid things they have said. They’re either going to look even more idiotic, trying to explain what they meant, or recant.  Either way we got ‘em.  We have the ability to give them a reputation for being stupid that they deserve.  

If all conservatives would concentrate on relentlessly doing this, I think we could make some headway at convincing some of that 47% Romney was talking about, to take a new look at our political landscape with open minds.

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