Tuesday, October 8

The Entitlement-Voter: What Obamacare is really about . . .


The theme common to Democrat legislative, executive, judicial and electoral policies is to draw as many people as possible into local, state and federal government entitlement and benefit programs. But not only that. Obamacare, and other such programs, are especially important in order to accomplish registration of every single potential Democrat voter ("entitlement-voters") with the government.

The danger is not that Democrats are compiling government-funded databases of people who don't want to be on a government database, it's that they are using taxpayer funds to compile databases of entitlement-voters to expand and solidify Democrat political power.

What will follow entitlement-voter registration will be required notification to those on government databases to register to vote and to show up at the polls to vote. Democrats tell us, after all, that we want everyone eligible to vote to exercise this critical right. This is happening already.

The next step is to provide for online voting, over an extended period of time each voting cycle, so that not one vote is missed. Voting will become a year-round process. Because, we are told, it is important that everyone actually vote. Of course, entitlement-voter databases such as the one created for Obamacare will be used to contact voters and to insure that they do vote.

And will they vote for a candidate who suggests small or no increases in benefits or for a candidate who favors large increases in benefits to even out inequality and promote fairness? Entitlement-voters' benefits will depend on the answer.

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