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University of Oregon Pays Sexual Deviant $24,000 To Teach Students About Proper Fisting Techniques
DC Clothesline ^ | 11/5/2013 | Dean D. Garrison
Posted on 11/5/2013 3:32:45 PM by IbJensen
I am a firm believer that every problem in America can be traced back to a breakdown of society’s moral code. The more and more we loosen our grip on the Biblical principles that this country was built upon, the more problems we seem to have in every facet of American life. I don’t believe that everyone in America has to be Christian, but I do believe that we all need to be conscious of Christian principles that are also present in many other faiths. It’s a simple case of morals.
When people stop being good, the world around them starts to decay rapidly.
The University of Oregon would evidently rather spend $24,000 to hire a pervert than to spend it on a scholarship for a student who wants to learn about mathematics or history.
The University of Oregon didn’t just hire a run of the mill pervert to teach its students about kinky sex. They hired a gay man named Dan Savage who is a nationally syndicated columnist and claims to have no knowledge of how to please a woman.
This is higher education at its lowest.
College Fix reports:
The notoriously raunchy and popular homosexual sex advice columnist and pundit Dan Savage visited the University of Oregon in mid-October, and more recently it was revealed thanks to a public records request that he was paid $24,000 for his talk, which included discussions with students about the art of fisting and gorilla suit fetishes.
The Register-Guard, the main daily newspaper for the region, reports the “University of Oregon paid nationally syndicated sex-advice columnist Dan Savage $24,000 for speaking at an Oct. 15 event at the UO, according to a copy of the contract the university released this week in response to a public records request.”
“The return a university gets from sponsoring programs where students are exposed to nationally prominent resource people is in the form of sparking thought and considering new perspectives,” Keith Van Norman, marketing manager for the University Health Center, told the newspaper.
“New perspectives?” That’s for sure.
According to the campus newspaper The Daily Emerald, “throughout the lecture, Savage addressed questions of a wide variety of sexual topics including the importance of sexual education, to kinks and fetishes, experimentation and communication as well as same-sex marriage. As he flipped through from card to card, he answered questions dealing with the sexual act of fisting to gorilla suit fetishes; the roaring response from the audience was unanimous.” But when asked how to pleasure a woman down under, Savage responded: “F**k if I know!”
For those who don’t know what fisting is, it is the act of penetration with one’s entire fist into the orifice of choice. Evidently it is a pleasurable act to some people.
At this point I’d like to do some fisting on some University of Oregon officials’ teeth.
How on earth can we consider this a responsible act of a public university?
As you send your kids off to college do you expect that part of your tuition money will be spent on this?
If anyone would like to contact the president of the University of Oregon, Michael Gottfredson, here is his contact info:
Office of the President, 1226 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1226
phone 541-346-3036
fax 541-346-3017
Now ask yourselves this: If our colleges are willing to piss away your tuition and tax dollars away like this, in front of everyone to see, imagine all the money that that you will never even know about, that is being stolen by the people in charge
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