Being who and how I am, I jumped into the comments on this article and must have really upset those who were commenting and the moderators of Huffy Poo. Around 7:30 this evening I was informed by Huffy Poo that I had been banned from there indefinitely.
I used no nasty words and did not go off on anyone. I pointed out the overall hatred that was being expressed in the comments and stood up for, by and with the very, very few other conservatives that jumped in. I made it clear that I was not pro choice and consider abortion to be murdering of babies. I must have offended someone or a lot of far left RETARDS, indoctrinated, brainwashed girlie men that bleed, feminazis, queers, faggots, dykes and the moderators of Huffy Poo that hate a man or woman with true conservative morals, ethics, values, the stones or vag to LIVE and DIE by them and for them. They must have thought Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, had come back from the dead and dropped by to spend an morning trying to have a truthful, honest discussion about Abortion, feminism and women's rights. I was just back at the article previously mentioned and all my comments have been aborted and flushed away from the post. I have commented there for quite some time but I guess they could not handle someone who refused to back down in the face of withering personal attacks and outright hatred expressed towards me and others. So am I all butt hurt or offended by being banned from this septic tank of indoctrinated, far left politically correct, diversified, communist infested, white conservative male or female hating site? Not in the least and I think it is funny and tragic at the same time. Tragic in the sense that it proves how far left liberals cannot rationally discuss any issues they disagree with. Funny in the sense that I got booted for sticking up for myself, my beliefs, for others of like mind by those who think they are so tolerant.
It is really not surprising that we are as a Republic so deeply split asunder. Intolerance, hatred has deeply divided us on race, abortion, social, economic, health care and just about everything else. Political correctness, excessive diversity and rampant multiculturalism has damaged this nation, helped to divide us and get us to the low point where we currently find ourselves. PatriotUSA
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Martin Hudacek |
Tags: Abortion, Open and tolerant discussions, Right and Left, Progressive regressive liberal behavior, Huffington Post and banishment, Texas, Rick Perry, Abortion Barbie, Wendy Davis. TAGS HERE To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
The reason abortion supporters are so intolerant of others is because they want to have a "right" that no other group of people have. They are not fighting for the right to choose, they are fighting for the right to have a "do over". No one else has that right, and they wouldn't be in favor of anyone else having that right, so there is no way that they can be tolerant of anyone else. That's why I call them the "PRO-DO-OVER-CROWD" Check this out to fully understand what I am talking about
As a Texan, I can say that Wendy Davis is very unpopular here by the majority. The left can't ever stand up against truth because they do not recognize it. Truth is a foreign concept to them and they have no logical argument against it.
I don't know. Molly Ringwald says Davis is going to be the "Next governor of Houston".
Well... there is that, isn't there?
Good read, Neil. I found the entire thing amusing and pathetic on their part but I was surprised I was not banned from there sooner. Seriously deluded people who are responsible for so much hatred and intolerance yet I am white, conservative and so we get blamed for it all. Bring to my front door is all i can say.
They'll come to your front door, begging for food when SHTF.
They may have to eat lead.
Keep the lead warm for them with little copper jackets. Lol
The lead is always kept at about 70-75 degrees, nice, warm and dry and it is very close at hand. JHP, WC,
it is almost too many choices but that will not be a problem, heh.
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