Lets compromise! Gay marriage is
not a left or right issue but instead a humanist issue. The topic of
gay marriage I believe is one social issue that conservatives are not
seeing the greater picture. This is an opportunity for Republicans and
conservatives to attack an severely unprotected flank of the liberal and
progressive platform.
Harris-Perry's MSNBC's advertisement from the "Lean Forward" campaign
is a perfectly demonstrates of how the issue of gay marriage can
undermine the left's dominance in the arena of gay rights. Her belief
displayed in this advertisement is so foreign to Americans. This belief
is so out there that is not does not matter if you are gay, straight,
Democrat or Republican you probably think she is nuts. Apparently
according to Harris-Perry "we have to break through our kind of private
idea that kids belong to
their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids
belong to whole communities." Your children do not belong to you?
This belief is absolutely insane! There is simply no other or better
way I can characterize her belief. I am fairly confident that a
super-majority, damn near 99%, would agree with me on this one.
belief is not that uncommon in the social circles of the east and west
coast liberal and progressive elites, especially the more ideologically
pure of the group (those who idolize Che and Saul Alinksy essentially).
There is a strong strain of anti-individualism, the belief that you do
not own yourself or anything else but a few material things. This is a
dangerous strain and it is a virus which is destroying the American
ideals of family and community. A conservative push for gay marriage
would be not just be a defense against this virus, but it would be an
attack which could nearly irradiate the terrible disease.
and progressives like Harris-Perry support gay marriage, but their
support does not spring from their support of socially conservative
values like strong families. No! There support springs from the desire
that no man is owner of himself and that all people are not part of a
nuclear or extended family, but instead they are part of wider family
that is the government. They believe that without annihilating the
institution that is family as we now know it, their socialist policies
simply cannot succeed. After all true socialism/communism only works if
everyone shares the same beliefs and is willing to sacrifice for the
supposed common good (read government).
marriage is where we start our attack against this assault on our
culture and the institution of the family. Gay marriage is a
conservative policy! It supports the institution of the family. The
prime reason for this is that it creates a brand new pool of people
looking to adopt children. There are nearly a half million children in
America with no permanent family. A better way for Republicans to view
these children is that there are a half million children who are less
likely to grow up in a loving family, have proper nutrition, graduate
from high school, and go to college. All of these things are the surest
indicators of a high lifetime earning potential and higher salaries
strongly correlates to a propensity to vote Republican! Not only does
gay marriage provide new families for our lost children, it also
provides a new avenue for expecting mothers who are thinking of
abortion. With a larger pool of prospective parents mothers would be
more likely to forgo abortion and take their pregnancy to term, because
they would know that their child would have a loving and caring family
to grow up in.
you have never thought of these reasons to support gay marriage please
take some time to digest these ideas. Gay marriage is a social issue
unlike abortion. I know that gay marriage is against many social
conservatives religious convictions, but I believe a famous quote from
Thomas Jefferson's best sums up why Republicans and conservatives should
support gay marriage: “It does me
no injury for my neighbor to say there are 20 gods, or no god. It
neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” Gay marriage unlike
abortion hurts no one! The death of a human being is not at stake here,
but what is at stake here is the future of the family. Gay marriage
can be part of that future and it can make the nuclear family even
stronger in the future.
conclude this post which I am sure will act as a lightning rod. I have
one suggestion on compromise if social conservatives are completely
opposed to the label of gay marriage. A compromise from the left and
moderates would be simply calling gay marriage by another name, civil
unions. Civil unions can be defined exactly like marriage and receive
all the same legal benefits, but then we can maintain marriage as a
religious and societal right that is between a man and woman. This I
believe is a compromise Ronald Reagan would be proud to support.
- I will expound on the topic of abortion another day, because I
believe that abortion is a social issue which can be a winning issue on
the campaign trail for Republicans and conservatives.
Guest posted by http://www.theenlightenedrepublican.com/
I would love some feedback on this topic. I know many of you on the blog and those making comments are opposed to such ideas, but I think they deserve consideration. I think this is an issue that can strengthen the Republican Party and allow us to build a bigger base and not just a bigger tent. There are quite a few gay Americans out there that are fiscally conservative and sometimes social conservative (oppose abortion), but are wear of the Republican party because of this one issue. An issue that in all honesty has largely been decided in the public sphere, if you look at opinion polls the momentum is such that it is not likely to reverse and Americans believe this is more of a tolerance issue than anything. Thanks for your time and consideration!
I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that you are sincere, and are only interested in expanding the conservative base. That is commendable. However we cannot as a group, endorse things that have been proven to be ultimately destructive to society. The mistake many young people make is assuming that we are currently “breaking new ground” in our society. We are not. Any type deviation from traditional values and morals has been tried by various societies many times, often long, long ago. The reason that deviations from traditional morality seem “new” is because they have already been tried, have failed, and been proven destructive, so long ago that everyone who was alive the last time a society went through the full process of accepting such behaviors, is long since dead.
Social behavior is really no different than technology. What works and benefits society as a whole, is endorsed and thrives, what doesn’t work, fails and is tabooed to prevent society frommaking the same mistake again. Morals are not the result of edicts issued to the common man by some religious authority, they are the result of trial and error of the common man.
To fully understand what I am talking about, read:http://goldengeesenews.blogspot.com/2013/01/morals-barbecue-grill-assembly.html
If that doesn’t change your mind about gay marriage and the like, you are no conservative.
As for abortion, all that is, is a bunch of pathetic losers that want to have a special privilege that NO ONE else has, and they are unwilling to allow ANYONE ELSE to have the same privilege. To see what I mean here, read this: I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that you are sincere, and are only interested in expanding the conservative base. That is commendable. However we cannot as a group, endorse things that have been proven to be ultimately destructive to society. The mistake many young people make is assuming that we are currently “breaking new ground” in our society. We are not. Any type deviation from traditional values and morals has been tried by various societies many times, often long, long ago. The reason that deviations from traditional morality seem “new” is because they have already been tried, have failed, and been proven destructive, so long ago that everyone who was alive the last time a society went through the full process of accepting such behaviors, is long since dead.
Social behavior is really no different than technology. What works and benefits society as a whole, is endorsed and thrives, what doesn’t work, fails and is tabooed to prevent society frommaking the same mistake again. Morals are not the result of edicts issued to the common man by some religious authority, they are the result of trial and error of the common man.
To fully understand what I am talking about, read: http://goldengeesenews.blogspot.com/2013/01/morals-barbecue-grill-assembly.html
If that doesn’t change your mind about gay marriage and the like, you are no conservative.
As for abortion, all that is, is a bunch of pathetic losers that want to have a special privilege that NO ONE else has, and they are unwilling to allow ANYONE ELSE to have the same privilege. To see what I mean here, read this: http://goldengeesenews.blogspot.com/2013/06/left-freedom-right-freedom.html
I did read your blog post, but still remained unconvinced on the moral groundings of opposition to gay marriage. I completely and wholy understand the religious opposition. As an amateur historian though I must refute the statement that homosexuality led to downfall of Greek civilization and culture. Greek civilization did not decline because of deviant behavior but merely declined like many other great powers throughout history. Civilizations rise and fall in power for various reasons, mainly due to geography, resources, and demography. Homosexuality or moral decay was not the main reasons for Greek civilization's end. Using the word end is a misnomer as well. Greek civilization never really ended actually in fact the Bible was originally written in Koine Greek (vulgar/street greek). Greek civilization also highly influenced Roman culture. Greek civilization did not, but instead was simply absorbed by other cultures and countries. In fact one of my favorite things about the Koine Greek version of the bible is in John in the first line "In the beginning was the Word," the actual translation from the original greek is not "the Word," but instead the original word Logos which was translate later into "the Word" was better understood during Jesus's time as "the Reason." This is my favorite because it harkens back to the founding fathers especially Thomas Jefferson and his Deist beliefs which line up perfectly with this translation. My point being from this tangent is that Greek civilization did not end because of its homosexual behaviors, actually in fact some of its most elite and effective fighting units (kind of like our seals) were made up of older dominant men and their younger submissive counterparts. This behavior I argue in fact strengthen the culture of certain city-states. Also more on the point of city-states, Greek civilization is so much a monolithic civilization as it was a mishmash of different Polis or as modern people say city-states. My whole point from this history lesson is that I really cannot point to a civilization which collapsed because of gay marriage. I really do not think it has ever been tried in the modern form people are advocating today. I do not see it as a sign of the decline of civilization, but instead a chance to strengthen the nuclear family.
In a a word, no and history is strewn with the wreckage of failures and gay marriage is no exception. I read and feel your passion and concern YR but this over time will weaken any society, country. You need a few examples of what social engineering and what it does, please read the post I just put up about Obama purging the military of good, decent, MORAL commanders.
If republicans cave in to this wholesale whoring, pimping out of America, then the party deserves to fail. Just one of the reasons I bailed on the RP a few years ago. A gay family is not the nuclear family. The fracturing of society has been proven by lack of lasting man/woman relationships. Two fathers or mothers is better? Or a single mom or dad is better? Kids have enough to deal with these days without the perverse nonsense of having to deal with two queer parents. How do you feel about teaching kindergarten age kids about queers, gays, lesbianism confused transgendered and those who are 'gender free.' This figures in to.
Accepting gay marriage is an affront to many, many people. Why do they insist on calling it marriage? That should be reserved for a man and a woman and let the queers call it something else. Sorry to go off track here a bit. Cannot agree with you on this one but I commend you for taking a stand.
Really? You don't understand the process of trial and error or don't trust its results? You think somehow we can avoid the failings of other societies by doing the same things? It ain't gonna happen. Try this for yourself. Go stick your hand in a hornet's nest. Tomorrow, stick your hand in a hornet's nest again? Same result? Who wouldda thunk? I assure you that EVERY type of human behavior has been tried. The only ones that are condoned by society are the ones that do not lead to failure. Societies that fail to practice the common sense policy of adhering to the lessons of trial and error, fail themselves. BTW, I asked you not to bring up homosexuality being the cause of the downfall of the Greek Empire, (which you did anyway) because I knew that if you were unable to understand the concept of trial and error and learning from the mistakes of others, there was no way that you would be able to understand the connection there.
Just my own two cents here. Being a Christian is what will always prevent me from accepting homosexuality as normal behavior. The one thing that brought God down to earth to destroy sodom and Gamorah was homosexuality. I am a Bible historian. I have spent the last several years of my life taking the Word back to the original language. It is very clear in the ancient Hebrew text. God is against homosexuality. I personally don't want to have that crap shoved down my throat. There are more stories of people losing their businesses that they have worked their whole life to build because some gay couple sued them for not baking them a cake or taking their pictures. They are very unaccepting so why should we have to compromise our moral belief to appease them? They say they only want to be equal, to have equal rights, but that is not true. They wish to do as they please and could care less if someone else, particularly Christians, are offended. It is almost as if they have targeted Christian companies on purpose just so they can sue when a business owner says no to them. It seems the only people in the world who are to sit back and shut up are Christians. Just in a little over a hundred years, homosexuality became a sin that was punishable by death to something that has been widely accepted. And look how much further down the drain our morals have gone. God set a standard in which to live and gave us a set of laws. Just because we as a society fall beneath that standard doesn't mean the standard has been lowered. It is still where God put it. It is mankind that has fallen to ever increasing lows. Does this mean that I hate gays? No, it doesn't. It just means that I personally do not wish to promote that lifestyle. It is my moral compass and my belief in and love for God that will always prevent me from doing so. If we keep lowering our standards than we become no better than liberals. They are welcoming of anything and everything that is against true Christian, moral values. What would be next? Trying to recruit pedophiles mind murderers? True conservatives will not ever go for this. I know I am only one voice but I also know that I echo many others.
Also, read this: http://fellowshipoftheminds.com/2013/05/25/sharp-increase-in-man-on-man-sexual-assaults-in-us-military/. How convenient that this increase has occurred right after gays are allowed to be open in the military. Just a thought.
And yes, the Word in Greek is logos, but the meaning is not the Reason. It is the moral precepts given by God. That is the meaning. If there is one thing I know, it is the Bible. And not all of the Bible was written in Greek. It was written in Hebrew, Greek, some Aramaic and as Paul used, Colloquial Greek, or street Greek. The etymology of the word logos is lego and that means to command, direct. God gave us a moral commandment and direction through His word. Jesus is the living Word. He is the word of God that became flesh and walked among mankind. The word of God came here in the flesh with the soul purpose of dying on the cross so that we may be forgiven. One of my most favorite verses is the 22nd Psalm. It is the Crucifixion Psalm. Written 1,000 years before the event, David speaks prophecy of Christ on the cross. Christ spoke the same words as He hung on the cross.
Psalm 22:6
I am a worm, and no man; a reproach
of men, and despised of the people.
The word “worm” is
towla’ in the Hebrew and means the scarlet worm coccus ilicis. When the female of the scarlet worm species was ready to give birth to her young, she would attach her body to the trunk of a tree,
fixing herself so firmly and permanently that she would never leave again. The eggs deposited beneath her body were then protected until the larvae were hatched and able to enter their own life cycle. As the mother died, the crimson
fluid stained her body and the surrounding wood. From the dead bodies of such female scarlet worms, the commercial scarlet dyes of antiquity were extracted.
What a picture this gives of Christ, dying on the tree, shedding his precious blood that he might in death, give life to each of us. The word “man” is
‘iysh and means a human being in contrast to God. Christ was no mere human. He is the son of
God and our Messiah. Satan as antichrist will be looked upon as a man when Christ returns. See Isaiah 14:16.
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