Thursday, December 15

Joining This Site

You have come to the right place if you are fed up with liberals and the establishment GOP ruining our country, and are looking for a place to hammer them.  You can  join our blogging community to help us bash both the liberals and the RINOs.

But, since Blogger will only let you add 100 contributors to each blog, CBC is full up. So I have created a new self-hosted blog with unlimited space --  RINO BLOG WATCH.

If you register by Clicking Here, you will instantly gain both blogging rights, and use of the forum.


Truest Patriot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Truest Patriot said...

I am a professional family man like yourself who became fed up with the racial politics of America. I am an American of African descent who is decidedly conservative. I make no apologies for the hard hitting truths I post on my blog, as many people have felt as I do, but were prohibited due to Political Correctness (more like Orwellian Thought-Police) from stating these truths.

Truest Patriot

Anonymous said... I am a blogger and the site editor for and I'd like to contribute to your blog. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I would like to resume blogging to your Conservative Blog. I blogged back in 2009 or so, but stopped because I could not figure out how to get comments/feedback. Think I have it figured out now. Plutarch - Let's Speak Plainly, aka

Unknown said...

I am a new blogger and I recently recieved a comment saying that the design was poor. Would anybody look at it and tell me what I can do to make it better. I would really appreciate it.

conservativeBC said...

Okay, I will add you tomorrow...

conservativeBC said...

Nothing wrong with it... It is all about content anyway..

tfpr said...

I have just started a conservative site and am looking for help to get it going. Any help would be greatly appreciated (including looking for bloggers).

floyd logan said...
I would prefer using the alias of (Horse with No Name)

conservativeBC said...

It will be whatever you have entered on your Google account... I have no control of that... I will have blogger send you an email later today

ElenaMC said...

I would love to be a regular contributor to this site. My blog is not sugarcoated. I tell the truth about the liberals and the main stream media. I post blogs daily, but will be happy to contribute according to your guidelines Here is a link to my blog. Feel free to check it out and see if I am a good fit here. I think I could be a good asset to this site. I would be happy to post a banner ad on my site which is new, but is already picking up steam. Please consider it. My email is

newrevolution said...

I'm a fellow conservative and I think that you would really appreciate my blog. Please critique it and leave posts. I truly believe that our country is falling to pieces.

Brian Drake said...

Good evening. I have just started my own commentary blog and would like to join the list. I plan on writing once a week.

Christian said...

I would love to contribute to CBC. I am flexible and can post quite often. (Especially when it comes to bashing liberal agendas!) Here's my blog, I look forward to hearing from you.


conservativeBC said...


Sure... I will have the blog send you the invitation to post... It will only let me have 100 authors, and I have lost count. If you have any problems logging on, let me know...

Welcome to CBC

conservativeBC said...

Christian - like I just said to Brian down below.

Sure... I will have the blog send you the
invitation to post... It will only let me have 100 authors, and I have
lost count. If you have any problems logging on, let me know...

Welcome to CBC

conservativeBC said...

Brain, I will need your email address...

Brian rake said...

Ooops! There's a box at the bottom of ths one where I put my email and I thought that was for you. Here it is:

conservativeBC said...

Ok, coming at you...

Kenezen said...

I am Kenezen and I have a as well as a radio program on blogtalkradio. I would like to share my articles on your site. Congratulations on this site.

Paul Domitor Dbc said...

Address is Blogger name is psychpol. My blogs combine politics and psychology and cover a wide range of topics. I am an independent conservative and blog regularly. My name is Paul J. Domitor PHD. I am a retired Clinical Psychologist, and currently a musician (The DBC Band). Look forward to participating if possible. Thank you for your work!

conservativeBC said...

I will add you tonight Doc...

Facebook User said...

I would love to contribute and have my blog listed. email is

conservativeBC said...

Ok, but I will need an email address...

conservativeBC said...

I had blogger send you the invitation, let me know if you have any problems... Welcome to CBC...

conservativeBC said...

I had blogger send you the invitation, let me know if you have any problems... Thanks and welcome to CBC...

Hector Gonzalez said...

Did not find contact button, can you separate by state or city. Finding Conservative bloggers really hard, 1000 libs ... like roaches.

Nick Carmine said...

My website is

Pookie The Destroyer ("P.T.D.") is a journal about politics, art, culture and Rock. P.T.D. believes, as Andrew Breitbart did, that politics runs downstream from culture. P.T.D. also believes that the history and stories of our time have been mis-represented and intends to be a corrective.

P.T.D. posts new articles every week. I would be pleased to contribute to Conservative Blogs Central.

conservativeBC said...

Okay, Pookie be looking for an email... Welcome to CBC, and give 'em hell - let me know if you have any problems signing up...

LBurris597 said...

Hugh Wilson said...

We would appricate it if you would consider It's pretty good most of the time

James E. Berlin said...

My site is: (someone has to be). Wrote a syndicated conservative humor column in my 20s and 30s (L.A.Times Syndicate, United Feature), said screw it, became career street cop, retired, back blogging the right-wing message. Satire and straight. Would be honored to be considered. Warm regards: Name: Jim Berlin

James E. Berlin said...

Greatly appreciate if you check out my conservative
site for consideration:
Former newsman, syndicated columnist, cop, Marine.
Currently: an old man.

SideOfReason said...

I hope you have a chance to check out my blog.

I'd love to post some of this info on your site as long as I can link back to mine. It think you'll agree it has some good quality content that often requires extensive research and analytical skills.

Danielle Hollars said...

Iknowthyworks Blog said...

Dexter Morgan @Iknowthyworks wishes to join this Blog

Myra Bradwell said...

Myra Bradwell @

Neil Schnurr said...

We here at the Golden Geese would love to have the chance to contribute to CBC. CONSERVATIVE COMMENTARY IN PLAIN ENGLISH. Check us out at my Email is

Michael L. Grable said...

conservativeBC said...

Hey Goose, I sent the invitation

Catherine said...

Catherine Mitchell...would like to blog.

conservativeBC said...

Sure I will add you tomorrow

conservativeBC said...

Okay, be looking for an email... I am getting close to my max amount of bloggers so let me know it you have any trouble and I will figure something out...

Welcome to CBC

Bethlawyer said...

Would like to blog through my website,

conservativeBC said...

email address?

Bethlawyer said...

conservativeBC said...

Okay... I will set you up sometime today :)

Bethlawyer said...

Thanks. Looking forward to it.

conservativeBC said...


The invitation should be on its way... Let me know if you have any trouble...

Welcome to CBC

Bethlawyer said...

Got a message: "too many bloggers" when I signed in.

conservativeBC said...

Okay I will remove someone inactive tomorrow to make room for you :)

Bethlawyer said...

Thanks much!

conservativeBC said...

Now give it a try Beth

Bethlawyer said...

Thanks. Looks good.

righttofight said...

Reagan raised taxes, implemented Socialized medicine and ran under the porch with his tail between his legs when the Marine barracks were bombed in Lebanon. Tell me I'm wrong.

The Conservative Wife said...

Definitely wrong! Why are you here troll? You aren't even commenting on a story. You know, the VERY day Reagan was elected President, Iran let the hostages go? They KNEW he wouldn't be a wuss like Carter. Do you even know how to read? I'll just pity you and be done.

Chris said...

chucknorrissbeard(at)gmail(dot)com I would like to be added to the blog.

Gerald Loeb said... I have a Facebook blog (Planet Particular) that has 215 daily readers and growing. You can see a sample of my work at that site. Of particular note is the July 4th message I wrote. This will give you an idea as to my style. Thanks!

conservativeBC said...

Sorry it took so long; i will add you tomorrow

conservativeBC said...

Okay I will get you tomorrow...

Welcome to CBC

conservativeBC said...

Well crap - I forgot and now i am away from the computer... Don't worry I will get to you

Gerald Loeb said...

That's fine. I am heavily researching my next topic as we speak. No need to set any speed records.

conservativeBC said...

Sorry again - I will make sure i get you tomorrow

conservativeBC said...

Okay be looking for an email...

conservativeBC said...

Okay be looking for an email..

Gerald Loeb said...

Thanks for adding me.  Silly question: How do I post anything?  I am kinda new at this computer stuff.  I did the profile, etc. But I am not sure how to post and I have something pretty good all ready.. Thanks, Gerald Loeb

Ann Blogger said...

I signed up to add my posts to your site...I have a to admit I don't know how to post them.

conservativeBC said...

I updated the thread above with some instructions. Maybe they will help you get started.

Lisa said...
We'd love to be added. Thanks!

conservativeBC said...

I we would love to have you - I will get you some time tomorrow

conservativeBC said...

Okay, Lisa be looking for an email. We can only have 100 bloggers, so if you have trouble let me know and will be delete an inactive user to make room for you...

Lisa said...


Lisa said...

Hi- it did say that there are already the maximum amount of bloggers, so I wasn't able to join... thanks.

conservativeBC said...

Okay, give me just a minute and then try again...

conservativeBC said...

Okay I remove someone; I hope it is not someone who is posting. There is no good way of telling.

I need to figure out how to find and purge inactive bloggers...

Welcome to CBC

Brooke said...


conservativeBC said...

Ok Brooke, welcome to CBC -- be looking for an email from Blogger...

Phil Mike said...


middleagedhousewife said...

I wanted to add my blog to your Patriot Blogs list, then I realized it was already there, but under the wrong title. How can I change the title? It is listed as Politically Incorrect and Probably Soon to be Illegal. It should be Observations and Opinions of a Middle Aged Housewife.

conservativeBC said...

Okay housewife I changed it for you, but sadly after I went though all of that work of setting that blogroll up, the broke the widget that should the actual sites.

I will add your blog to my fav blogs here on you left, and to my blogroll on im41

Glopnick said...

Didn't we just leave this movie? I thought you people were in control from 1994 to 2009. What happened? Oh yeah,....the 2nd republikan Great Depression. I knew it would come to me. In the laboratory of ideas you people were found wanting. Pull over and let Liberals drive for 30 or 40 years or so. You people don't appear to have any idea what it takes to make average Americans prosper.

Glopnick said...

Oh, and if you don't have the courage or the stones to allow Liberals to post on your site then maybe you need to get out of the business.

Young Republican said...

I would love to be a contributor my email is and my blog is

conservativeBC said...

Okay sir, I will go through the list tomorrow and make a spot for you...

Young Republican said...

I want to change which email I contribute with because google+ will not let me blog with a psudonym my new blogging email is you can remove my old email ( from the blog. Thanks for the help!

Young Republican said...

Hey please do not change which email I blog under I figured it all out thanks! - A Young Republican (so just keep me at

Solo4357 said...


steve said...

robert fleming said...

My old blog is Roberts Thoughts

My new blog is Roberts Thoughts 2
I hope you can update,Thanks!

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