Saturday, October 26

If You're Looking for Someone to Blame, Try Looking in the Mirror

I’m getting a little sick of the younger generations blaming the Baby Boomers for the mess we are in.  It isn’t as much the fault of a specific generation, as it is the fault of an age group, and I sure that you Gen Xers and Gen Yers that bitch about Baby Boomers being the cause of your malaise are not only too stupid to know the difference, you are too stupid to realize that you are currently the cause of the problem.

A generation refers to a group of people born within a certain period of time, and the people included in that group remain the same regardless of the passage of time.  A person born a baby boomer, will always be a baby boomer.

An age group refers to a segment of the population that is a certain age at the current time, and the people within that group change on a rolling basis.  Today’s 20 - 40 year olds will be 40 - 60 year olds in twenty years.

The problems our nation faces were not, and are not, caused by Baby Boomers.  They are caused by liberals.  Now look at voter demographics, and you will realize that younger people tend to vote for liberal candidates, and older tend to vote conservative.  If a larger percentage of each generation subsequent to the Baby Boomers would have voted for conservative candidates, we wouldn’t be experiencing what we are now.

You can blame the baby boomers for the liberals elected in the 70’s and 80’s.  But don’t blame us for Obama, or any of the other liberals in office.  If the younger generations would have voted the way the baby boomers did, most of them wouldn’t be there.  The current mess is more your fault than ours.  Rock the vote, baby!


Young Republican said...

They are largely caused by the baby boomers and silent generation (who never had a president). You cannot just blame liberals because conservatives in those age groups largely stood by and let the current policies hum along which will bring us over the fiscal cliff. And if your generation had not done the damage it did to the conservative brand in the 2000s (e.g. Medicare Part D, unfunded wars which were poorly planned, reckless spending, little fiscal conservatism) we would not be in the position of having Barack Obama as President. So maybe you should look in the mirror because it was not me or most of my friends who voted for the fool. It was your generation though that left us with such a bad place to start with a radical liberal in power.

neil schnurr said...

Let me get this straight. You are going to lump all the Baby Boomers together and blame them, excuse you and your friends from having a hand in creating the current mess, and ignore voter demographics at the same time?

Young Republican said...

Yes I will you all had the chance to organize and campaign to change such policies as Social Security, Medicare, and the housing policies which cause the current malaise. Yes my generation may have voted for Mr. Obama overwhelmingly, but your generation also voted for George McGovern overwhelming. So before you call the tea kettle black you might want to look in your mirror Mr. Pot!

The Conservative Wife said...

Pot! Kettle! Who the flip cares? Neil is right! He specifically said that you could blame the baby boomers for the liberals elected in the 70's and 80's but absolutely don't blame us for Obama. The Xers and Yers are the ones that overwhelmingly voted for the buffoon. NOT the baby boomers. Neil is my friend here and his articles are always very well thought out. You asked last week what you could do to make your blog better...for tips and tricks. BC answered but I will give a bit of advice of my own. DON'T attack the other bloggers here! If you aren't on the same side then you are on the side of those like McCain, Graham, Reid and the likes. That will earn you no respect here. When Neil stated that it was the Xers and Yers, he is correct. Don't take it so personally. Not every single person in that generation voted for the idiot. But enough did and that is a fact. I for one have looked in the mirror and other than a few "laugh lines", I know there is no fault within me because the jerk is president. Perhaps you should do the same.

The Conservative Wife said...

And just for the record, you're OWN blog post "generation screwed" shows you berating YOUR OWN generation. Quote:
"You want to know who is getting thrown off the cliff? My generation (those born after about 1980)! We are getting SCREWED!!! Yet my generation has overwhelming supported the Democratic party and liberals since we were old enough to vote. My generation's voting habits are destroying our generation and our nation."
So why so hard on Neil when he says it?

Young Republican said...

He attacked my generation! Don't attack the bloggers? You are kidding me right? He is indicting my whole generation and 'age group' are almost solely to blame, you have to be kidding me if you do not think I am offended. And yes I said that Xers and Yers voted for Obama, but I also did not attack him I used facts such as how your generation damaged our party's brand in the 2000s and how your generation voted for George McGovern overwhelmingly please look that one up. If you are going to attack me please at least read my response. And why should I look in the mirror for the rest of my generation who voted for a liberal which your generation did as well about 40 years ago. I for one go out every day and try to convince people my age to change their ways. So please stop blaming my generation. None of us have ever been Senators, House Reps (for the most part, I myself just became eligble this year), President, or almost any other major position within the goverment. So instead of blaming my generation for voting for someone how bout you go back to that mirror and look at yourself and wonder why your generation has done nothing while they have had the power and have been the leaders. Please do not hate on my generation when we have had almost no power to do anything and only voted between two and four times depending on how you define the Yers. And btw we are not Yers we are the Millenials.

Young Republican said...

How am I am beating my owning generation. Did you read the thing? Yes I said our voting habits our runing our generation, but I wrote the piece as warning to people my age about our future. And btw I go to place blame on older people for expecting higher taxes to support their old age spending when they were not expected to do the same things as us. Yes we have had horrible voting habits but we are young and voting habits have tended to change over time just read Sean Trende's book the Lost Majority. Why so hard? Because he is saying we are solely to blame other than afew instances in the 70s and 80s. Let's get real other than the ballot box once every two years or so what power does my generation have?

The Conservative Wife said...

Ok Young Republican... Neil did attack YOUR generation. He DID NOT attack YOU. And I am not a baby boomer...(too young) I have never voted liberal and that includes some republicans. And good for you for trying to reach out to YOUR generation. That's commendable, but lose the chip on your shoulder. You act as though Neil attacked you personally. If you want to stick up for the little idiots that vote liberal, then by all means, do so, but don't get butt hurt when someone points it out.

Young Republican said...

An attack on my generation is an attack on me and supposedly you if you are born after 1980. So how does responding to Neil make me like John McCain, when Neil did exactly what McCain does by attacking a part of our party. Young people may be misguided at the moment, but that is this moment and if you read polls most of the people my age are secret libertarians and only voted for Obama because he is "cool" and seemed "reasonable." Lets be real Obama has something calle the Obama factor (HE WAS COOL) and if someone like Hilary or Elizabeth Warren or Martin O'Malley gets the Dem nomination next time you can throw the cool factor out the door. I way to accuse me of attacking other peope and then resort saying I am butt hurt. And yes I am insulted because as I said before, and I think your missing this point, the boomers did the exact same tings voted for McGovern in 1972 and then eight and twelve years later overwhelming supported Reagan. So before you keep hating on little idiots maybe you should stop demeaning people like liberals assume they have some intelligence and they are just not educated, because if you do not do this our party will continued to be seen as a bunh of curmudgeons.

The Conservative Wife said...

Misguided? Secret libertarians? And the Republican party IS nothing but a bunch of curmudgeons. But simply "being cool" is a stupid thing to vote for. Period! If someone doesn't have enough sense to vote for things other than a candidate seems "cool", then they have no business voting at all. Perhaps the boomers did do the same thing. Neil wasn't saying that ALL the problems are the younger generations fault. But the reason Obama is in office is in large part to a generation of secret libertarians (your words) who voted simply because it was the cool thing to do. And now an entire Nation is suffering. And your DAMNED right Reagan was supported! Do you have a problem with Reagan? I am getting the feeling you are a liberal sympathizer. I have no tolerance for idiots. Whatever happened 40 years ago happened. What is happening now is happening. Just because no one has written a blog here about the events of 40 stinking years ago doesn't mean it didn't happen. We realize that our party has made some major mistakes. And they need a thorough cleaning out. Even when I was in my 20's and Clinton was running... he seemed "cool" too. I mean, he played the saxophone for heaven's sake and he went on all the late night talk shows and people said he was our first black president. But I didn't vote for him because it was the "thing to do". I didn't vote for him at all. I voted for Bush, Sr. (lesser of 2 evils) And if someone came along and wrote a blog about how my generation was to blame for Clinton, I would only have to agree. We were. But not me personally. I know the difference when someone is speaking generally and personally.

Young Republican said...

I do not know what fantasy land you live, but being cool or in laymen's terms marketable is not something stupid. Having stolid and boring candidate after another will not win you any elections sometimes you have to be cool. I know you are not likely to admit it, but a huge part of Reagan's popularity has nothing to do with policiy but instead his way to relate to people and how he made them feel appreciated and cared for. Obama did this and Romney didn't face it, my generation didn't ruin our nation for voting for him. I truly believe we ran a horrible campaign and let our side be framed in their light instead of defining ourselves. And yes they are to some extent secret libertarians go take a look at some of the exit polls and just follow gallups random polls day to day. And it is not the generation who is voting fault for the problem we have, it is the generation running the campaigns. Hey how about you stop hating on me and hate on the generation who had control of the last two campaigns. They were the ones who did not make our party marketable. Just because no one likes does not mean you can blame everyone for not liking you. It is not the millenials faults they were not properly educated on Romney or McCain both of their campaigns let themselves be defined by Obama. Neither attacked, one let a true conservative in Sarah Palin be thrown to the dogs, and the other let himself get blamed for someone's cancer and did not even refute it. Just face th Republicans suck at campaigning the problem is not the youth but the establishment. If you want things to improve do not blame the ailments (young voters voting for obama) but find the cause of the disease, THE REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT who is part of what generation?

The Conservative Wife said...

My "fantasy" land is called reality. McCain was nothing more than a pawn in Obama's political game. And if being "cool" is what matters to you and your generation than we are a NATION screwed. What is the point of being cool when you only make things worse through inexperience and lunacy? I'm done with this young'un. Be offended all you want, I could care less. If someone is to blame then they will receive it and I don't really give a damn what side of the political aisle their on and I really don't give a damn about hurt feelings either. There is too much work to be done to stop the madness going on in our Country to worry about someone getting their damned feelings hurt over something somebody said. I am a wife, a mother, a CHRISTIAN and a Conservative. I have served my Country in the military (have you?) I am an AMERICAN! And liberals and ANYONE who voted for this POS can kiss my ass! I have NO TOLERANCE any longer for those who baby someone else's feelings or those who wish to be babied. Get ready...I'm about to write a blog just for you. Stay tuned!

neil schnurr said...

Holy shit, I leave for a few hours and look at what I come back to. First of all let me thank you A. Petree, you do a better job defending my positions than I can do myself. As for you, Young Republican, correct me if I am wrong, but didn't McGovern lose in '72? Didn't he lose big time? Didn't he suffer the second worst defeat in presidential election history? Even if baby boomers did vote "overwhelmingly" for him, it didn't make any difference. Obama is in office. Which group of young people did more damage?

Now lets talk about Social Security and Medicare. You are obviously too young of a Republican to realize that these are "third rail" issues that spell defeat to any politician that touches them. The only way to change that is to have an environment where conservative candidates and politicians feel like they could survive attempting to make any changes to them. If the younger generations voted for conservatives with the same percentage as baby boomers do, perhaps they would be willing to try.

As for the rest of what you have to say, your lack of consistency astounds me. First of all, you write a piece blaming baby boomers as a group for our problems, then you attempt to dodge the blame for how your generation votes, then you admit that your generation does have a lousy voting record (thus admitting that younger people are to blame), and the whole time you stick with the contention that everything is the Baby Boomers fault.

If you want to make in this blogging game, and have intelligent people respect you, your arguments need to be consistent

I maintain that our problems are caused by liberals, not specific generations, and since younger generations.have voted for liberal candidates in larger percentages than Baby Boomers do, the blame for our current mess falls upon them more than it does the Baby Boomers. That's called BEING CONSISTENT. It comes with experience and maturity.

One last thing. A Petree touched on this. People who vote the way you do are ON YOUR SIDE. Save your criticisms for the opposition. They are more than happy to criticize conservatives for you. Baby Boomers have the highest percentage of conservative voters except for the dwindling number of people in the generation before us.

The Conservative Wife said...

Whew... I was thinking...where's Neil, I could really use some help here and then I got sidetracked with a game of Candy Crush ( I so need rehab for this) I've always got your back. And anyone else who stands on the side of rational thinking. You guys are my Battle Buddies on these front lines. I stood with my fellow soldiers in the military and now I stand with my fellow bloggers. I am one loyal mama.! (And should I be offended when you wrote about the white trash rednecks? I mean, when you listed all those attributes, I was sure you were talking directly about me. I thought it was like a badge of honor to be able to do those things. Maybe that's my redneck side? I'll have to think about this, Neil.)

neil schnurr said...

Rednecks are the people who make this country work. They're the people you can count on to help you when no one else will. They're people that can not only "make do", but thrive with what they got, without asking for handouts, and they will be the only ones to survive as free people once SHTF.

The Conservative Wife said...

Yep... we can get er done.

The Conservative Wife said...

BC... I would like to make a formal apology to you as I think I ran off a blogger on your site. I changed my avatar accordingly so now maybe people will know and understand just who I am.

Young Republican said...

Well I must say thank you for the gang bang the two of you I do not care if that gets me banned from here. You are both intellectually barren and ridiculous and I am tired you. You specifically blame a generation or "age group" in you post and then you spout off about how I am not consistent. Yes I do blame my generation to some extent. But your generation has had there time and to say voting for McGovern overwhelmingly is a non sequitur is intellectually dishonest. Yes McGovern loss, but just because your generation chose a liberal blowhard and did not suffer the consequences does not mean you can lay the blame on my generation for doing the same. You need to look in the mirror, because I am tired of you generation shitting on mine. Lets be real who has held power who has made decisions and who has made up the leadership of the Republican party? Oh wait your generation, wow such a hard answer to come to. Your generation as I said has ruined our parties brand your generation lost faith with young people, young people did not lose faith with the Republican party. Your generation is the disease it is not the solution. I am tired of this rhetoric from both left and right claiming people who vote one way or another are stupid or not worth talking to. This is the viewpoint of the fringe extreme, this is the viewpoint which has led us to wilderness. And yes I will square my cannons on you, because people like you are the problem with our party intolerant to idea that maybe we need to change our messaging (NOT OUR BELIEFS) in order to convince young people maybe they should vote for us! Your generation is the most selfish in our nation's history. They were born in a time of peace and then dodged the draft. Your generation expects full old age benefits but refused to pay taxes as high as my generation will have to pay. Your generation is a disease and your generation does not understand mine. My generation may be misguided but this is not something to point out and then crap upon, it is something to understand and then focus upon so us conservative may make another generation of conservatives. It does not mean shit your generation is conservative now! Because once you were not and to write mine is igonorant and you reserve yourself to an intellectual wasteland!

neil schnurr said...

I cannot believe that you are still hanging on to this! Don't you understand that sometimes, it's best to cut your losses and admit that you were wrong? There's no shame in that. It is however, shameful to hold on to a position when it is obvious that you're wrong.

All I said is that younger people shouldn't be blaming our problems on Baby Boomers, especially since a higher percentage of them vote for liberal candidates than the percentage of Baby Boomers who do. This is a fact, so what is there to get upset about?

I still maintain that most of the problems we face today are the fault of liberals, not Baby Boomers, and I never singled out you personally, as the cause of any of them..

Chill out. The enemy is over there, in lefty-land.

The Conservative Wife said...

One last time.... these are YOUR words: generation has overwhelming supported the Democratic party and liberals since we were old enough to vote. My generation's voting habits are destroying our generation and our nation. We are voting for the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world.

YOU are the one blaming YOUR generation. Then when someone else points it out, you act like a petulant spoiled rotten brat. You keep talking about McGovern as though that 1972 election was the game changer. it wasn't. He lost EVERY SINGLE STATE except for one. ONE! How the hell does that compare with this younger generation that got the SOB elected? It doesn't compare. Draft dodgers? Tell that to those who went to the damned war and lost life or limb. The draft dodgers came from mainly the left...who protested the war because it was all about peace and love, man. The MAJORITY of this younger generation voted for Obama. NOT EVERY SINGLE ONE! You are very wrong on many things but I will point this one out. YOU and those like you are the ones who are the problem. If your generation is so wishy washy that they will vote for the coolest guy in the room because he's, well, cool, then they might listen to something different when things don't turn out as they had hoped. But as soon as the next cool guy enters, they are off again on another trip down primrose lane. A disease? Wow. You just crapped on yourself as far as any serious blogger on here is concerned. We The People don't set the tax rate. If we did, it would be less and fair across the board for everyone. A greedy government does that. And stop griping about Social Security. Yes, there are those out there who get it but could live without it. There are many more that could not because they would then have to choose between the medicine they need or food or utilities. Selfish? That would be this young "me" generation. No personal responsibility for anything and only caring about themselves. If that is your shoe, then fucking wear it!

Brian Drake said...

I disagree completely. The Baby Boom generation was dominantly liberal, and after they ran out of drugs in the '60s, began an effort to infiltrate the corridors of power and get elected into positions of power (not just politics, but education as well) to pursue their hopey changey socialist agenda, because burning bras and singing Peter, Paul & Mary songs didn't get the job done. If youngsters are at fault for anything, it is for not thinking their way through the brainwashing given to them by their Baby Boomer elders.

neil schnurr said...

You disagree with what? The fact that Baby Boomers have a higher percentage of conservative voters, or the fact that the younger generations have a higher percentage of liberal voters?

You know, liberals like to accuse conservatives of stereotyping and prejudice, and apparently, at least in some cases, they're right..I don't know why so many of you younger people fell for this crap that everything is the Baby Boomer's fault, when all data on voter demographics suggests otherwise.

I'm gonna try this one more time.

1) Our current problems were NOT caused by Baby Boomers, but I readily admit that Baby Boomers are to blame for the liberals elected in the 70's and 80's.
2) Our current problems are caused by LIBERALS.

3) Younger people tend to vote liberal.
4) Older people tend to vote conservative.
5) A higher percentage of Baby Boomers have been fighting for conservative causes than any generation that followed them.
6) People that vote the way you do are on your side. Save your criticism for the people who are actively fighting against your interests.

Rick Lakehomer said...

Love the new avatar CW. Do not change A damn thing else as you are a jewel to me as you stand as I do for our morals and beliefs.

Young Republican, shame on you and Neil, Excellent post.

The Conservative Wife said...

Thank you Rick. That means a lot. How are you feeling these days? I pray well.

Rick Lakehomer said...

What do you say about Ted Cruz? You are a moron and know very little about life and true freedom. I will not add to your burden or butt hurtness but you are a nothing but a sniveling whelp who walked into a den of very knowledgeable vipers. I was born in 1953 so you have attacked me and so what, I can take it and anything else you want to toss my way. Neil and CW are MY friends. You are nothing but a closet liberal who thinks and acts like a conservative. You are not and you will find no support here nor any comfort. Trolling here will get you nothing. Maybe we should have beer garden meeting like the POS Obama who you secretly adore?

Rick Lakehomer said...

Total badge of honor CW, count me in the same group.

The Conservative Wife said...

I once replaced the carburetor kit in my old Pontiac with a finger nail file. My husband just laughed at me until he saw that I actually did it. I love being told I can't do something. Makes me determined to do it. My mother in law got so mad at me for trying to back the boat trailer down the dock, telling me I couldn't do it so quit trying. I can now back that trailer with practically my eyes closed. Pisses her off which makes me happy. :)

Rick Lakehomer said...

No, and they are screwing with my pain meds really bad. Just have to deal with it and tough it out. Too many days I am barely able to walk and life is just say interesting. Going to be tough to start over at almost 61 but hey, it could seriously be much worse.

Rick Lakehomer said...

I love it and I need a LADY like you but alas, I am an old coot who loves fishing, guns, my bible and you are spoken for. You have a boat, double love, sigh.............!!!!!!!!

I have kept several cars running with duct tape and bailing wire, lived in the sticks at 7500' elevation in Northern Arizona where Kaibab squirrels were a nice supper with a second dinner of Elk or Deer. Too banged up do much of that anymore from too many years in the woods logging, fighting fires and such work.

Call me redneck anytime.

The Conservative Wife said...

I'm so sorry. I keep you in my prayers. Always

The Conservative Wife said...

Ha Ha... clinging to guns and religion like the rest of us? When we lost our home in a wildfire 2 years ago (Bastrop County Complex Fire), my husband grabbed the Bibles and I grabbed the guns and the chainsaw. Never have eaten squirrel but elk and deer are always good. Here, we are overrun with coyotes. I have chased 2 of them down on foot. One got my kitty. :( But he won't ever get another one. We just have to do what we can and leave the rest to God.

neil schnurr said...

Thank you! It's nice to know that there are people who are on your side.

neil schnurr said...

The skills you have acquired will in the future, be more important than any college degree, and now that you have them, no one can take them away from you, not even Obama.

Rick Lakehomer said...

Thank you. You know what being in rough spot is. Prayers are DEEPLY appreciated.

Rick Lakehomer said...

Absolutely Neil. I may not comment often but when I am 'here', which is debatable, according to my kids, I am all here for people who I consider friends. All there is to it. I know no other way.

Young Republican said...

Thanks for resorting to name calling I really appreciate your childish antics. I do not think that I ever once in this series of posting called anyone a name. I think I actually argued that one of the reasons why us conservatives have failed to convince a majority of the youth to vote for us is because we have been framed as treating people who disagree us with disdain.

A den of very knowledgable vipers, LOL!!! Please do not flatter yourself. I do not care if you people are friends, because to me it just sounds like you guys live within a philosophical echo room. And yes I will admit I have attacked your generation, because you generation has been in positions of leadeship for almost four decades now and other than a few reforms in the mid 90s your generation has failed to tackle any major problems which now face us. These problems being mainly major fiscal and entitlement reform. Without such reform my generation will likely be impoverished through higher taxes and lower levels of growth.

And thanks for calling me a closet liberal and adoring the "POS" Obama. Your language signifies your intellectual shallowness. The ad hominem attacks the three of you have showered upon me only strengthen my resolve that the blame for our current mess is squarely at the feet of your generation.

Yes my generation has voted a seeming buffoon into the whitehouse, but the young make their mistakes and learn from their mistakes. Your generation once voted for McGovern, but then voted Reagan into office. Do not pass judgement on a whole generation before they have come of age. We have made our bed and are living with it. We have the worse job market of any modern American generation (please do not tell me about the late 70s or early 80s) and face the biggest debt in American history which we will surely be paid for by future higher taxes. My generation understands this and if you ask people my age the majority understand that we will likely never see a penny of our Social Security taxes. So please before you pass judgement on a whole group of people at least let us prove ourselves in the arena of leadership, because I believe your generation has not yet passed that torch off so please just wait another decade or two before you square the blame of our current malaise upon my generation.

Young Republican said...

Thanks for being the only person to agree with me on this board.

Rick Lakehomer said...

Ah yes, your generation is suffering so badly. Yes you are and I have a 21 yr old and still have a 17 yr old son at home. I can help you understand suffering YR watching the struggles of my kids and knowing what all of us are leaving them. But I will not as you have it all figured out. Good for you. You want to trade places with me or others here I know a bit about their lives? You are the one who lives in fantasy world. You may not care about friends but I do. You came in here and treated all of us to your drivel and jump all over people older than you and yes, we disagree with you and so you got called a name or two. Get over it. If you think we are old guard RINO dipwads you are seriously misreading those of us who tread here. The three of us, again so what. You think we are fat, sassy and all cuddled up in retirement, dozing and drooling in front of PMSNBC, PBS and NPR?

Hard times and struggles? How about being out of work because it was killed by environazis, there being NOTHING for jobs, having to hunt and fish out of season to provide for me and my family, having to decide between food or meds, and BTW, we know about high taxes. I have been in this since 1979 when the traitor Carter was POTUS.

I did not vote for McGovern but I did vote for Reagan. Yeah, I voted against Obama twice because I have followed him since 2004 and saw the danger signs of him becoming what he has. Most of your comments have been sliced and diced by others here. You treat us as the enemy because we jumped all over you. Think we are NOT aware of some of what our generation has done and let happen go those younger than us or me? Many of us here saw the train wreck of Obama and have been fighting this progressive, regressive cancer for decades.

I am very pleased your resolve has been sharpened and if you see us not as your enemies, then perhaps you have been sharpened and honed a bit more. Your insolence is your weakness, YR.

neil schnurr said...

OK, OK, the Baby Boomers are to blame for any and all damage caused by McGovern. I admit it. Are you happy? Now, why don't you man up and admit that the younger generations are responsible for the damage caused by Obama? Which generation's irresponsible voting caused more damage?

Brian Drake said...

I'm going to have to see your data. It doesn't match my experience. I live in San Francisco, where anybody 55-65 is so left wing it's disgusting, and it's generally the same within the entire Bay Area. We're looking for point of origin here. How did the current state of liberalism get where it is? It started in the '60s, with the Baby Boomers, and they like to claim San Francisco as their spiritual home. It could have started with FDR, who, in his current decomposed state, still knows more about socialism than Obama ever will, but the war prevented his desired rewrite of the Bill of Rights. Perhaps as they aged a lot of Baby Boomers voted Republican, but I'm surrounded by the die hards who would rather drink drano than vote GOP, and one wishes they would. Perhaps I have a narrow view of the issue, but I know *exactly* where to point the finger until other evidence shows otherwise.

Young Republican said...

Which irresponsible generation leadership caused our current problems?

Young Republican said...

My insolence is my weakness. Wait I have displayed rude and disrepctful behavior? I am not the person who called somone a sniveling whelp. I do not recollect calling you any names?

Rick Lakehomer said...

So you need the whaaaambulance too? Sniveling whelp stands. So good for you about name calling. I am almost always try and grant everyone respect and even my very libtarded friends get their say. I came in and you had slammed my friends and their beliefs. Grow some thicker skin. Do not forget it is my generation and past ones that have stood up for, bled and died for your right, your freedom to have your say and still be free men and women, for now. Every generation has stumbled as you so well noted and so did CW and NS. You expect everyone to be polite all the time and get slapped with a pretty white glove. Does not work this way at all. A cool, mellow, hip Republican' is just a tiny piece of the greater picture, YR. The system needs to be reset and rebuilt from the ground up.

Republicans by and large are no better than Democrats these days.

How is this for you? I will cross post your article here to my site late tonight as a guest post. I will give you a fair and pleasant introduction as we do all guests. It is not a large site but you have something to say I like some of what you say. I am Far left coast so it will be late.

neil schnurr said...

The liberals politicians that caused the damage, wouldn't have been in office if the younger generations did not vote for them, and also if the younger generations wouldn't have voted for liberals, the conservatives in office could have acted more boldly because there would have been more of them, and they would have won by larger margins.

neil schnurr said...

Just check out voter demographics from recent national elections. Yeah, if you are looking only at the San Francisco area for your sample, I totally understand how you came to the conclusion that Baby Boomers are a bunch of idiots, but wouldn't you come to the same conclusion for ANY generation, if your sample only included people from the San Francisco area?

Rick Lakehomer said...

I was just in Bay area and it is real libtarded land for sure. San Jose, San Carlos, the City itself, Oakland all filled with progressive regressive dolts who think Obammie is so wonderful.

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