Wednesday, July 3

Biden is not Going Anywhere. Period!


In the past few days, pundits and the public are demanding Biden to drop out. Many are suggesting someone should replace him now. And then, there are others saying Biden should stay. Let’s face facts. Only two incumbent US Presidents drop out of the race in modern history. They were Truman and LBJ, both were Democrats. Because of their unpopularity, it gave the GOP victories from both elections. I will not say that past results would reflect future elections, but seeing a distinct pattern is something we can’t ignore. 

Another to keep in mind, there are ordinary voters, who wants Biden out, and there are the Biden base, who support the Biden/Harris ticket. This base makes up 66% of Biden supports and are very ardent to the president. To change their mind is almost impossible. These are the people who voted Biden in the primary and are the electors who are pledged to Biden  

Another point, the DNC chairman Jamie Harrison is a pro-Biden support. The DNC chairman was hand picked by Biden. If any rules to be changed to allow Biden to be exchanged for someone else would have been done by now. The DNC chairman recently came out to say Biden performance from the debate as unremarkable. Thus, I don’t think the DNC will do anything about it. 

Also, election finance laws prohibit from moving funds from Biden to another candidate if Biden drops out. Only Kamala Harris is entitled to those funds. That is a huge concern that no MSM is reporting. We are 4 months till the November election. It is impossible for a new candidate to raise money in that short amount of time; unless it is Kamala Harris, who has a lower approval rating than Biden.

Overall, I will make this stand. All my points from my last blog and this,  Biden is not going anywhere. He must stay and face the humiliation he deserves. 

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