Tuesday, August 27

Trump Ad Showing the Two Faces of Kamala Harris. It’s Quite Funny


The Debate. Harris vs Harris

In early September 2024, the debate between Trump vs Harris will happen. However, the real debate will between the two faces of Kamala Harris. No one, including her, can predict which side will come out.  We got the cackling, word salad speaking vice president on one side and the dictatorial communist on the other. One may be wondering if Harris is following Biden’s “hiding in the basement “ strategy as the only viable option to win in November. However, like. Biden, it took one debate to destroy himself. Biden was his worst enemy. Harris is no different. All will be decided in the one and only debate between Trump vs Harris. In fact, no matter how many debates Trumps wants, it will only take one to expose Harris as the most liberal politician in Washington. 

Please click the link from Trump X (formerly Twitter) account on a brilliant add on Kamala Harris.  I think it a damning video showing what she had said in the past month.  

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