Friday, October 14

Occupy Wall Street: Exact Opposite of Tea Party Movement

Okay, I am back from vacation daily liberal absurdity provides so much fodder it’s difficult to decide where to start. 

With so much swirling in my mind, I was relieved last tonight as I watched Hannity to hear Brent Bozell of Media Research Center (passionate despite a bad cold) say exactly what I have been trying to get out for the past week or so as I watch media try to compare the Tea Party Movement with some of the most vile and empty protesting I have ever witnessed: Occupy Wall Street is the Exact Opposite of Tea Party Movement.

It’s a simple statement, and Bozell is right on the mark. I have tried hard to wrap my mind around how mainstream media so desperately tries to parallel Occupy Wall Street (aka we’re not sure why we are here just give us money?!) and the Tea Party Movement. How can this be? Occupy Wall Street whiners are about government entitlement and sour grapes while Tea Party types are about smaller or less government, or the weakening of government, which Reagan so eloquently told America had to happen before our country could begin to get back on its feet toward prosperity and growth.
To even try to tie the two movements and their respective rallies together is nothing less than a joke. Adding more credence to my stand that the two movements are polar opposites, a friend recently summonsed up more support for exactly why the Occupy Wall Street movement is so hypocritical at its core in his response to the Salt Lake Tribune about their Op Ed story on the four levels of responsibility for the subprime mortgage chicanery:

“…you along with countless others in the media, fail to report the whole story. It is too convenient to exclude the roots of the problem going back to the Clinton years' efforts to make home ownership easier for all.  You fail to mention Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac's lack of oversight when anybody and everybody could qualify for a loan.  Granted, Wall Street, Countrywide, et al. do have some culpability in the mess. Shame on the lenders and institutions for allowing all the bad paper to be generated at all, but the facts go back further than you portray in your piece. As a news source, you need to present all the facts and moreover, not skew facts into a would-be opinion on the Opinion section of your own paper.  There is shame in that as well.”
The comment trolls who did chime in on the editorial certainly did not spare my friend. Their harsh rebuke of Danny’s thoughtful letter riddled with questionable source URLs was in my opinion uncalled for but expected given today’s lack of liberal civility or rather a hall pass seemingly only handed out to liberal, left-wing progressives without coherent messages.
But hey…you got to love the U.S. Constitution and the First Amendment, which apparently has been interpreted by today’s disgruntled youth in Zuccotti Park as: if it has an engine, poop on it; if not, why not have sex with it!
I am with Godfather Politics: Occupy Wall Street makes me want to yell at my TV! 

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