Wednesday, November 23
Comparison to "Occupy" Protesters Unfair to Tea Party
The so-called Occupiers at Zuccotti Park in New York City were forced to leave last week, and cleanup of the park has been taking place since.
For the two months that Wall Street was "occupied" comparisons were made to the conservative Tea Party movement, which heavily influenced the 2010 elections.
There comparisons are unfair to the Tea Party for a myriad of reasons.
First, no one has ever been arrested at a Tea Party rally because they are performed peacefully. According to the New York Daily News, approximately 1,500 arrests have been made at the Occupy Wall Street protest alone as of November 17th.
Secondly, the Tea Party folks treat the space they use with respect. Again, according to the New York Daily News there have been 31 complaints of public urination at Zuccotti Park, and more unconfirmed reports of public defecation.
Finally, the Tea Party represents true American ideals: personal liberty and private property, small government with non-enumerated powers granted to the states and the people.
Most importantly, the Tea Party believes in the system that made America what it is today; a beacon of freedom for the rest of the world.
The street rats at the Occupy protests believe in a Utopian society where everything you need is given to you by the government, and worse, everything you think you're entitled to.
The Occupiers believe is communism, not capitalism. They believe in equality of results, not equality of opportunity. They believe in class warfare and the notion that wealth is evil.
In short, they believe in the same radical philosophy as Barack Obama, which is why the President said he can, "identify" with them, and why Nancy Pelosi offered blessings for them.
The Tea Party has never represented an anti-Semitic stance like the occupiers have.
It gets worse too.
Today, reports of weapons caches at were made public through the NYPD and Brookfield Properties, which owns Zuccotti Park.
Gardeners who were hired to clean up the park found knives and some makeshift weapons inside flower beds.
This is not the first report of its kind either. Knives and mace were found after the protesters marched on the Brooklyn Bridge on October 1st.
The reality is that the Occupy Wall Street movement and the Tea Party movement are polar opposites.
They believe in opposing ideals and means of communicating their message. The occupiers believe in violence and disorderly conduct while the Tea Party believes in peaceable assembly and voicing their opinion on Election Day.
For the two months that Wall Street was "occupied" comparisons were made to the conservative Tea Party movement, which heavily influenced the 2010 elections.
There comparisons are unfair to the Tea Party for a myriad of reasons.
First, no one has ever been arrested at a Tea Party rally because they are performed peacefully. According to the New York Daily News, approximately 1,500 arrests have been made at the Occupy Wall Street protest alone as of November 17th.
Secondly, the Tea Party folks treat the space they use with respect. Again, according to the New York Daily News there have been 31 complaints of public urination at Zuccotti Park, and more unconfirmed reports of public defecation.
Finally, the Tea Party represents true American ideals: personal liberty and private property, small government with non-enumerated powers granted to the states and the people.
Most importantly, the Tea Party believes in the system that made America what it is today; a beacon of freedom for the rest of the world.
The street rats at the Occupy protests believe in a Utopian society where everything you need is given to you by the government, and worse, everything you think you're entitled to.
The Occupiers believe is communism, not capitalism. They believe in equality of results, not equality of opportunity. They believe in class warfare and the notion that wealth is evil.
In short, they believe in the same radical philosophy as Barack Obama, which is why the President said he can, "identify" with them, and why Nancy Pelosi offered blessings for them.
The Tea Party has never represented an anti-Semitic stance like the occupiers have.
It gets worse too.
Today, reports of weapons caches at were made public through the NYPD and Brookfield Properties, which owns Zuccotti Park.
Gardeners who were hired to clean up the park found knives and some makeshift weapons inside flower beds.
This is not the first report of its kind either. Knives and mace were found after the protesters marched on the Brooklyn Bridge on October 1st.
The reality is that the Occupy Wall Street movement and the Tea Party movement are polar opposites.
They believe in opposing ideals and means of communicating their message. The occupiers believe in violence and disorderly conduct while the Tea Party believes in peaceable assembly and voicing their opinion on Election Day.
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