The answer is none of the above. The moonbats, the commies, the gays, the socialists and the Marxist are quaking in their boots in fear of this great women. This explains the latest hit piece from from the commie run Huff Post.
Is Michele Bachmann a Compulsive Liar or Just Clueless?
When people say factually inaccurate things, you can often tell whether they're deliberately mischaracterizing the truth or whether they just don't know what they're talking about. With Michele Bachmann, I really can't quite tell.
They are in full panic folks, and are doing everything they can to stop her.
It was this fear that inspired the creation of this blog. Here are the pieces from the Daily Kos that made me realize that Bachmann is the only pick for President.
Tue Jun 14, 2011 at 05:26 PM PDT
On my walk home tonight I found my self thinking about Mitt Romney, as I do from time to time, and I found myself laughing. The laughter was a result of thinking about Willard standing next to president Obama in the debates next year. Were Republicans to nominate him those debates would be a rerun of Kerry/Bush, in that you have a president who the populace generally like and “want to have a beer with” next to a man so wooden that he makes Keanu Reeves look like Marlon Brando.
This thought was quickly followed by a far more frightening thought, what if they do nominate Bachmann? She was, in my mind, the clear winner of last nights first GOP debate, and the media seem to agree, she showed some charisma and is clearly well versed in the red meat policies that GOP primary voters eat up. Ergo she could win Iowa, she could even win New Hampshire. Romeny is not popular in New Hampshire even though he basically lives there these days, the 08 election showed us that, and Bachmann propelled from a win in Iowa could best him there as McCain did.
It may be laughable to think of Bachmann up against Obama in a debate but the optics could very well be favourable to her, she doesn’t have the awkward speaking manner of a Palin, nor is she wooden or boring like Pawlenty/Romney. She has motherhood on her side and the stern demeanor that comes with raising three hundred children. She is also not burdened by reality, she has what all successful GOP candidates have, the ability to pretend the world is the opposite of what it actually is. Add to this good handlers and advisers and you have the toxic mix that gave us Reagan and W.
I have always felt that the first woman elected in the US would be a conservative, much like in Britain. Conservatives are far more comfortable voting for a rabidly right wing woman, it plays into their dominatrix fantasies. The one thing going against Bachmann at this point is the GOP orthodoxy, they do generally vote for whoever is next in line, who would in this case be Romney, but perhaps Obama presents them with a murky dilemma which has a specific relief, electing someone out of far right field. I have no idea if she could actually beat Obama, or even if she could come close, but I think she may be the only one who could rally her base and reawaken that large swathe of conservative voters who would otherwise sit on their hands this time round.
I don’t know, this is all a very scary thought, but tonight I did find myself laughing at the idea of Willard standing against Obama, and instead found myself shuddering at the idea of a Bachmann candidacy, not only because she is so extreme and crazy but because she could be exactly what the GOP needs to come close to Obama.
More Liberal Fear
Sun Jun 12, 2011 at 08:07 PM PDT
In honor of my upcoming trip to Minnesota for Netroots Nation, perhaps some thoughts about a prominent Minnesota politician are in order. Not one I am likely to see at the conference, however. Yesterday I saw a story about Michele Bachmann in which she was quoted as favoring drastic cuts in corporate and capital gains tax rates, as the same time supporting an increase in rates for the working poor. Naturally I started composing in my head a satirical interview with Bachmann in which she would explain how poor people have way too much money, and the rich don't have enough. Yet another example of how Republicans are getting our problems exactly backwards. And I still think that is a valid critique.
But then I went back and read the full Wall Street Journal interview with Bachman, from which these quotes about income taxes were taken, and realized there might be a more important point to make about Bachmann. Namely, that it would be a mistake to under-estimate her. This woman claims to read some serious economics texts. She takes tomes by Ludwig von Mises to the beach. She can speak intelligently about the reasons for the banking crisis that came to a head in 2008. In addition, if you do a little basic research on Bachmann, you find out that she has a masters degree in Taxation in addition to her law degree; she worked as a tax attorney for the IRS for five years; she served in the state legislature in Minnesota for four years, and in Congress for three terms. In addition, she has raised five children of her own, as well as an unbelievable 23 foster children.
On the other hand, Michele Bachmann has in recent years hitched her wagon to the Tea Party, made some outrageous statements, and some spectacular gaffes. And I'm not saying she is an intellectual or that she is any match for Barack Obama. All I'm suggesting is not to dismiss her too quickly as some kind of lightweight or nutcase, and not to lump her together necessarily with certain other female potential Republican presidential contenders. Michele Bachmann is a canny politician, and I would take her seriously. And by debating her ideas seriously, we might even find that they are a bit more nuanced and sophisticated than appears from the persona she displays at Tea Party rallies. Perhaps Michele Bachmann's identification with some of the simplistic ideas of the Tea Party will hurt her with the broader electorate. But she might have made the calculation that embracing the Tea Party could catapult her, as did Ronald Reagan's embrace of the most extreme elements of the Republican Party in the 1970's, to the front ranks of contenders for the Republican nomination for president or vice-president. And she might be right about that.
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