Friday, December 16

N.Y. teens suspended for Tebowing in school hallway

I don't think that God gives a flip about football; however, I do believe that if you ask the Almighty for help, you give him the praise and the glory for your success and you are willing to face persecution for it -- look out! The Lord just might decide to use you.

Millions of people have hit their knees in prayer because of a football player. And that same football player has brought faith into the nations conversation. Just saying!

Tod has this amazing story... 

New York Teens suspended for praying at school.

The left in America continues to wage war against Christianity, and, in doing so, demonstrates a pathetic understanding of the Constitution. A few teenagers who decide to exercise their Constitutional right pray, even if it is at school, does not establish a national religion that everyone must follow. Yahoo Sports has the rest of the article:

N.Y. teens suspended for Tebowing in school hallwayBy Cameron SmithJust when everyone thought the trend of “Tebowing” had reached its zenith in the greater cultural Zeitgeist, it finds a way to completely jump the shark: On Wednesday, a group of high school athletes at a Long Island school were suspended for staging a spontaneous bout of Tebowing in their high schools hallway.According to Connor Carroll, a senior at Riverhead N.Y. High on the North Fork of Long Island, the Riverhead administration handed out one-day suspensions to four student athletes after a group of Riverhead students decided to spontaneously hold a group Tebowing session in the school.
Tebowing, a relatively harmless act which emerged amidst the rapid rise of the Denver Broncos quarterback, is meant to be an homage to the second-year passers religiously focused touchdown celebrations. No sooner had Tebow used his one knee celebration than the Internet exploded with impromptu Tebow copycats, filling the void created when planking became passé.

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