Friday, December 2

Occupied Grassroots Sheep

Occupy Wall Street and the Wolves Among the Sheep
D. Christian Moore /

Lenin used to refer to well intentioned and misguided middle class students who carried water for the Bolsheviks and later the Soviets in Russia and the west as “useful idiots”. The point being that these youths were so blinded by idealistic passion that they remained willfully ignorant to the danger posed by the wolves they were attempting to bring to power and support. The useful idiots were the sheep blissfully allowing the wolves to travel among them and blithely ignorant to the fact that they would be devoured once the wolves had killed the shepherds.

A cursory glance at the powers behind the movement reveal a who’s who of radicals with ties to ACORN, SEIU, Communist Party USA and former terrorist Bill Ayers; there are even members who seem to be using OWS to honor Greek communist terror group N17. N17 is responsible for attacks on American service members and the murder of a CIA station chief during the Cold War. Similarly, a list of the lawyers representing OWS reveals many of the same lawyers who happily rushed to represent confessed Al Qaeda terrorists and have ties to some extremely radical socialist movements.

These kids would do well to read reformed communist George Orwell’s classic tale Animal Far andAyn Rand’s semi-autobiographical We the Living. Or they could read the histories of the Soviet Union, Cuba, Jacobin France, Nazi Germany and a hundred other places and times. Often, those who attempt to rally anger in order to “redistribute wealth” and “eat the rich” are simply attempting to take that wealth and power for themselves and will discard the huddled masses as soon as they have served their purpose and are no longer useful, just idiots.

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