Monday, April 23

The Great American Bully

The Weinstein company produced a movie about Bullies called appropriately, "Bully".  In one scene we see a hapless teen bullied on a school bus.  The immediate question is why didn’t the camera crew stop the fight?  Did the bullies act up in front of the camera hoping for a TV deal themselves?  Were the bullies encouraged to make the "script work"?  In another scene we see the school teacher actually beg the parents of the victim, “Tell me how to fix this...”

A great and powerful movie.  It’s only flaw is not addressing cause and solution.

Well, another blockbuster movie has the answer.  It was the story of an unlikely weakling who fights bullies often getting his head handed to him.  When asked why he does it, especially knowing he can’t win, he answers, “I can’t stand a bully.”  He joins the military to fight the big bullies called Nazi’s and is selected for a military experiment making him a superhero whose weapon is an indestructible shield which literally shields the world from bullies.  His true weapon, noted by generals, is his righteousness and courage which God not military science gave him.

This guy can't stand bullies...

There was a time being an American meant standing up to bullies, even if it meant being bullied ourselves.  That act of selflessness was hand in hand with being an American.

Today, America is taught not to be exceptional.  Captain America was retitled “The First Avenger” when distributed overseas ashamed to place "America" in any heroic title, even against Hitler and Nazis.  We aren’t the shining city on the hill, for fear of offending other cities.  We are ordinary.  We do not get involved.  We’re taught there is no black and white, good and evil but grey and relative. We're taught even the bully has feelings.

There was a time religion had the answer.  Judeo Christian beliefs teach the idea of voluntarily putting another’s needs before your own.  Christians actually have a gruesome statue of a person who not just died for others, but tortured a grizzly death to save others.  The lesson is love, defined in one word: sacrifice.

To be a good parent or partner you must sacrifice all you are for wife, husband or child.  Including surrendering career.  There cannot be an individual loud and proud of their sexuality, if actually busy tending another’s needs.  There is no parade for selfish wants and desires.

Today, we are taught not to worship the “make believe” god.  We are told, it’s alright to focus on yourself.  That your needs are more important than another’s.  And even those who do sacrifice their own needs and wants, like mothers who voluntarily surrender their careers to raise a family are somehow dumb, comical and the brunt of many late night punchlines.

Kid and dog unknowingly salute the scourge of the world...

Today we are taught the victim is the punchline.  When “Borat” brings a suitcase of chickens on a NY subway, his wit is not sharp like Groucho Marx, nor his acrobatics limber like Charlie Chaplin's.  Humor comes from watching the poor businessman deal with the disaster while simply trying only to get to work.  Humor is not the comedian’s skill, but the victim’s pain.

Yet, we still ask, "Why?" and "What can we do?"

Ultimately, the more the leftist pushes “the party of we”, the more we find the message to be "what will they do for me?”  This is not exceptional behavior.  There is no courage.  No sacrifice.  No love.  And certainly not victimless.

What do we do about bullies the movie “Bully” asks?  The answer is what we conservatives long knew and what leftists are slow to understand:  Be exceptional.  Be righteous.  Be courageous.  Stop making victims a punchline.  And return to American conservative values of faith and family.

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