Monday, April 23

Obama Created Everything

The Obama History Channel

Barack Hussein Obama is such a historic president, they ought to launch another History Channel devoted to documenting his historicness. Viewers could learn of the many wonderful things Big Government and its personification BHO have done for us, such as giving us Google and Facebook,
President Barack Obama insisted … that without government spending, “Google, Facebook would not exist.”
…providing us with energy…
“[I]t was public research dollars, over the course of thirty years, that helped develop the technologies to extract all this natural gas out of shale rock — reminding us that Government support is critical in helping businesses get new energy ideas off the ground.”
and even serving as God:
“I am so in,” Michelle Obama said toward the end of her remarks. “I am going to be working so hard. We have an amazing story to tell. This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light.”
No doubt future Americans will remember Obama as a great leader, no matter how much damage he inflicts on our country through incompetence, lunatic ideology, and/or sheer anti-American malice.

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