Even though the language wasn't in the law, and Barack Obama himself denied it, the majority of the Court decided that the "individual mandate" which compels Americans to buy a product (in this case insurance) whether they want it or not is entirely constitutional...as long as the word "penalty" is replaced with the word "tax." Hey, there's no need to rewrite the Constitution when it's so much easier to rewrite the dictionary!
In making this preposterous ruling, the Supreme Court essentially threw out individual liberty in this country, chained and shackled us, and delivered our sorry asses to the new Massas in Washington DC who will now make all of our decisions for us...or punish us with punitive taxes.
Driving a gas guzzling car, or one that doesn't spontaneously burst into flames like a GM product? Uh-oh...higher taxes for you! Belong to the Mormon church? There'll be a line for that on the new 1040 tax form (but good news! There may be tax credits for Muslims!).
Overweight? Multiply the number of pounds by $150 and send the total amount to Washington by April 15th, or else. Do you want to marry someone of the opposite sex? That'll cost you! You're NOT aborting that baby? Ka-ching, ka-ching!
Do you think these examples are extreme? Because NONE of them is as extreme as the government deciding whether or not you, or someone you love, will get life-saving healthcare based on Washington's whims of the moment and whatever political files they're keeping on you. And that's now been upheld as the law of the land.
And unlike Barack Obama, we're not allowed to simply declare that we won't obey laws we don't like.
The government now has the means to control all of our wealth, all of our means of productivity, and all of our personal actions and choices. So it is no overstatement to say that we are all slaves now.
And that we've got precisely one chance to change that peacefully in November.
So now is not the time for despair. It is the time for anger, for action, and for reclaiming our nation from those who have sold out our lives, our liberties, and our children for the sake of their own insatiable desire to rule us, to rob us, and to whip us into submission.
But they should be warned - there is no whip that strong.
Nor will the whip remain in their hands if we have the resolve to take it.