Thomas Sowell
I am a fan of Thomas Sowell and his work in economics, as well as a defender of US constitutional values. Every so often, he publishes a list of "Random Thoughts," which catalog his thoughts on what's happening in the modern world. At the risk of copying his idea, I have a list of Euripides' Observations. I present these as the sincerest form of flattery, not that Sowell would mind the writings of a piddly, little blogger....Euripides' Observations
Does anyone remember that the "Bush Tax Cuts" expired in 2010 and were renewed by the Democrat-super-majority Congress under President Obama? These cuts are set to expire again at the end of 2012. Does anyone remember that the current Congress, with a Republican-controlled House, a Democrat-controlled Senate, and an ideologue-controlled president probably won't extend the tax cuts?Having a PhD isn't a measure of IQ. In fact, I know a lot of PhDs, especially in the social sciences, whose total IQ wouldn't match up to the common sense of my neighbor's dog. At least the dog knows when to chase strangers away from his property.
Who really believes, deep down inside of themselves, that Obamacare will "fix" the medical insurance industry? The federal government has done so much to "fix" Social Security, national energy, interstate commerce, schools, and agriculture, that no one can afford to retire, to ship products, to learn, or to eat.
Maybe the heart of socialism is its tendency to create state dependence so that no one can afford to work in the private sector.
Dear student who "worked really hard in class" and "really needs an A": Maybe if you had turned in all of your assignments, and on time, you would have earned an A in the class, instead of whining about not getting an A after the class has ended.
I went to see the movie Brave the other day. It was a good movie. However, does it ever occur to Hollywood writers that men, especially fathers, aren't all clueless buffoons? How can we ever grow as a society if men or women are constantly denigrated?
Fast and Furious is a travesty of modern political thought. What did Holder and BATFE think would happen when they sold rifles to Mexican drug cartels, with no means to track them? That's right. They didn't think. And why is the anti-gun Brady Campaign defending Eric Holder? Could it possibly be that Holder and the Obama Administration wanted to use Fast and Furious as a means to take more 2nd Amendment rights away from Americans? Too bad the whole project backfired....
Why won't the Justice Department prosecute Eric Holder for contempt of Congress? Oh, that's right, Holder's in charge of the Justice Department.
Satan called. He wants his weather back.
I used to take baths using bath salts. Maybe that's why my liberal friends keep calling me a mindless zombie.
Dear lady in front of me in line at the grocery store: No, the tattoos on your neck, shoulders, arms, and exposed back don't make you any more attractive than you probably were. Please don't stand in line in front of me after you turn 50.
Thanks to Obamacare, I had to go to the most basic insurance coverage because I could no longer afford the premiums I was paying. Now, thanks to the Supreme Court, I can also owe more in taxes for the privilege of having crappy insurance.
A year ago, local news broadcasters started calling Arizona monsoon dust storms "haboobs." Funny, up until that time, everyone just called them "dust storms."
Everyone concerned with politics today seems intent on griping about the Republicans, or the Democrats. Has anyone considered that the real problem may just well be government?