Monday, June 11

We Love You Jeb...But This Time You're Wrong!

Jeb Bush: No Place For Father, Reagan In Today's GOP - - BuzzFeed
“Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush said today that both Ronald Reagan and his father George H. W. Bush would have had a difficult time getting nominated by today's ultra-conservative Republican Party.”
"Ronald Reagan would have, based on his record of finding accommodation, finding some degree of common ground, as would my dad — they would have a hard time if you define the Republican party — and I don’t — as having an orthodoxy that doesn’t allow for disagreement, doesn’t allow for finding some common ground," Bush said, adding that he views the hyper-partisan moment as "temporary."
How can you say that Jeb? Ronald Reagan is respected, not only across party lines, but is frequently referenced by the “far-right” as their hero!

I don’t believe for one minute Ronald Reagan or even you’re Pops wouldn’t command respect in today’s political arena. Their ability to garner bi-partisan support is actually what the country is clamoring for. They want their government to govern, not sit on their asses as they’re doing today. - - Read More

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