Chief Justice John Roberts turned the Constitution and the Supreme Court on its head with a not-quite-coherent opinion in which he managed a tortured interpretation of the Obamacare Act, which was clearly intended to save the most detested piece of legislation since prohibition.

The temptation to jump on my keyboard as soon as I heard the announcement was severe. As with most news events, I prefer to wait until the immediate coverage has sorted itself from the garbage which so often accompanies events such as this. I’m glad I did. It gave me the opportunity to listen to the opinions of one of the true experts on the Constitution and Constitutional law in this country, Mark Levin.
For those of you seeking information you could not find a better, more coherent source than Mr Levin. His book, ‘Men in Black’, is a compelling look at the Supremes and their relationship to jurisprudence and the Constitution. His book,’Liberty and Tyranny’, is a tour de force which offers a compelling insight into the minds and actions of those who would destroy America as we know it.
Mark was as close to ballistic in his treatment and analysis of the Roberts decision as anything I’ve ever heard him say or write. Words such as “Mickey Mouse”… and… “There’s nothing redeeming about Obamacare, nothing”. To say that he filetted the opinion of the Chief Justice is a wild understatement.
Roberts found a political reason to render the judgement as he did. Had he not convoluted his reasoning along the tortuous path he chose, Obamacare would have gone down in the flames it so richly deserves. As it is, Roberts’ legacy to the court and the nation is going to be one of eternal vigilance on our part. The usual beltway pundits are falling all over themselves to posit this mess as some sort of conservative victory.
The only victory here is that there’s probably nothing that could have galvanized an already aroused conservative patriot populace more. Everything I’m hearing out here and reading online indicates a real anger over upholding a clearly unconstitutional law, which was passed in the ‘dark of night’ without a single Republican vote and not a single committee hearing.
For myself, November just can’t get here fast enough.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2012