I am proud and privileged to be the co-host along with Dr. Richard Brake of a five part series on the American Constitution entitled Constitutional Conversations, produced under the auspices of my local township's public access TV station. Each 1/2 hour segment of this series will discuss an aspect of the fascinating story of America’s Constitution from it’s conception up until the modern day. The following are the titles and release dates for each segment. As each segment is released it will be downloaded on to the Constitutional Conversations website. The first segment entitled "In Order to Form a More Perfect Union" has been released and can be viewed below.
- Segment 1: "In Order to Form a More Perfect Union”. Released.
- Segment 2: “The Battle for Ratification”. Release date is July 9, 2012.
- Segment 3: “Do We Still Hold These Truths?” Release date is July 23, 2012.
- Segment 4: “A Living Constitution?” Release date is August 6, 2012.
- Segment 5: “Health Care and the Constitution”. Release date is August 20, 2012.