Monday, October 8

A Label Shadows America's President

NARCISSIST IN CHIEF.  Appropriate IMHO having watched him for four years.  Earlier this week I happened upon a post at PumaBydesign001 which included an hour long video conversation about BHO, narcissism, and malignant psychopathic narcissism.  Dots connected and my ah-ha moment was more like a horrified whisper - We, with this man as president, are facing the end game!

I have chosen four paragraphs and a sentence from the transcript of that conversation which are below.  If they peak your interest then watch the video.  I know, I know - who has an hour to spare!  But it is those can't quite put my finger on it thoughts you have had, things you have observed, and/or just your gut level knowing something that, unfortunately, this video validates and explains, and it again, unfortunately, points to a very real danger we face every moment "he" is in the oval office.
The author's credentials are not noted here in an effort to keep this from being a thousand word post.  See links.  A note to PumaBydesign001 - I am immensely grateful for this information.  Forewarned is forearmed.  One other critical thing here, keep in mind, this videotaped conversation was held very shortly after the 2010 elections.
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"People find it difficult to make the distinction between their traits, and shortcomings, and frailties, and the narcissist, because we all have a modicum of narcissism. We all have what is called healthy narcissism. Without healthy narcissism, we would not look out for ourselves, we would not have personal boundaries, we would not be ambitious, we would not pursue goals, etc., etc. So, healthy narcissism is, as the name implies, healthy.
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The malignant, or psychopathic, narcissist lacks empathy. In other words, he lacks the crucial faculty of feeling human, of experiencing what it means to be human. The narcissist is, to a very large extent, a form of artificial intelligence, sort of an alien in the truest sense of the word, because he has never experienced humanity, or humaneness, and he cannot empathize with other people; he cannot put himself in other people’s shoes. He cannot feel for them, because he also lacks the emotional apparatus; he lacks emotions, or at least, access to his emotions.
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"Now, if the narcissist is a local butcher, or neighborhood barber, then the damage is limited. But if he happens to be the president of the United States, it's a calamity. It's an apocalypse."
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And now that the narcissist sort of has made up his mind that people are stupid and pusillanimous, and so on, he becomes anti-social. He begins to hate the people who have rejected him. And as he hates them, he becomes a kind of psychopath. This is actually the transition from narcissism to psychopathy. He begins to ignore the wishes and needs of people. He breaks the law. He violates other people's rights. He holds people in contempt. He attacks society, and social codes. He punishes people because they are ignorant, and they are ingrates.
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When the narcissist is faced with defeat, he actually invents a conspiracy, invents some kind of persecutory delusion. He attributes his defeat to external forces—we call it alloplastic defense. He says, "The world is guilty, the universe is guilty, this group of people defeated me, on purpose." He becomes a paranoid. And then there are frequent displays of indignation, righteousness, condemnation, blame—you know, using the bully pulpit, and this is the paranoid-aggressive, or explosive, solution, which, in my view, is the solution that Obama is going to adopt, come next week.
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Tags: War On America, Let's Roll To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

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