the next few weeks I will be analyzing the Federalists Papers in
order to better discern the founding father's intents regarding the true
nature of
our government and how they relate to current events. I will try to
analyze one per day until I have completed all 85. I am also doing this
because I hope that it will inspire others to read the Federalist
Papers. These documents are critical to understanding the foundations
underpinning our Constitution. Far too many conservatives,
libertarians, and other fiscally conservative minded people have not
read enough books and historical documents to truly understand and
defend their philosophical beliefs I hope that I will inspire a few
people out there to become more intellectually inquisitive so that they
might become more capable in the defense of their beliefs.
liberals and progressives today believe that our constitution is
outmoded and not up to the task of overcoming modern challenges. They
also bemoan how government is too small and not efficient enough to
tackle the problems we face today. They cry that if only we could give
the government more power to implement the popular policies of the day
things might get better. These cries though do not represent the common
good of our nation, they instead represent the beliefs of a small group
of inflexible and uncompromising people. Men like the authors of the
Federalist Papers: Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison
understood the threat of such ideas and the people who hold them. They
knew how those ideas and people could lead our nation down a path to
despotism and tyranny.
In Federalist #1
Alexander Hamilton warns of the perils of the coming process of
constructing a new national government. Hamilton specifically warns of
men who "hope to aggrandize themselves by
the confusions of their country." Such men still exist today and they
want you to believe that they have the best interests of our nation in
their hearts, but the only interest they have mind is increasing their
power or their faction's power. The behavior of our President over the
past few weeks is a prime example of such self-aggrandizing men. His
warnings of impending economic collapse due to the failure of congress
to reach an agreement regarding the funding of our government was wholly
irresponsible. The President warned that if an agreement was not
reached we would not be able to pay our bills on time and we would thus
default on our national debt. He seemingly wanted the nation's stock
and credit markets to crash in order for him to capitalize on the
'confusion' such events would surely cause. Men such as our President
are the true extremists in the political battlefield today.
the politicians of today who falsely claim to practice moderation and
bipartisanship, Alexander Hamilton makes no qualms about his beliefs and
states very plainly that he "will not amuse you with an appearance of deliberation when I have decided" and that
he " frankly acknowledge(s) to you my convictions, and I will freely
lay before you the reasons on which they are founded." Hamilton boldly
state that he has his beliefs and he is now trying in earnest to
convince the reader to side with him. Hamilton neither steamrolls the
opposition in his writing nor does he call them names, but instead uses
eloquent rhetoric to set up both the upcoming debate regarding the
future of American government and the basis of the Federalist Papers yet
to be written.
The remainder of Federalist #1 provides a lesson
which we can all learn from even in these modern times. Hamilton speaks
of the vices of politics and a need for deliberation in the coming
process of creating a new national government. Hamilton cautions his
fellow citizens that neither side of the debate should forget that "ambition,
avarice, personal animosity, party opposition, and many
other motives not more laudable than these can affect both good and bad
men." This is a fact that all too many people on both sides of the
aisle forget today. Both sides are too quick to admonish one another
and to believe the motives of their opponents have some sinister
implications. Hamilton then elaborates on the "intolerant spirit which
has, at all times,
characterized political parties," a statement at the time but now a
prediction which has held true for over two hundred years.
President would be wise to heed Hamilton's advice that "in politics, as
in religion, it is equally absurd to aim at making
proselytes by fire and sword. Heresies in either can rarely be cured by
persecution" and that "the stale bait for popularity at the expense of
the public good." Far too often has our President demeaned himself and
his office to the lowest common denominator. He has not sought
compromise or deliberation, but instead resorted demagoguery. Hamilton
presaged about such men saying, "those men who have overturned the
liberties of republics, the greatest
number have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the
people; commencing demagogues, and ending tyrants." The founding
fathers may have been old, white, slave owning, and stupid old men to
liberals and progressives, but Hamilton's insight into how liberty
devolves into despotism shows his great wisdom.
Here is a flow chart to demonstrate liberty's devolution into tyranny:
Hope and Change (obsequious court to the people) - Calling the Tea Party extortionists (commencing demagogues) - Ending Tyrants?
#1 by and large was written by Hamilton to show his discontent about
their current form of government (The Articles of Confederation) and
justify his support for a new government. Hamilton believed that "THE
PROPERTY." Today that last part, property, has been abandoned by both
parties. Protection of individual property has reached new lows in
recent years between eminent domain and now Obamacare. The respect for
the individual and their property has been eroded to a point where it is
popular to call for the higher taxation of the rich to give to the
poor, to call for the higher taxation of the youth to subsidize the
retirements and healthcare of the old, and to regulate certain
businesses out of existence. This disrespect for individual property
and liberty must be stopped. In order to do this people must again read
documents like the Federalist Papers and begin to realize that the
Constitution though flawed in many aspects (that is why there are
amendments after all) is a truly timeless document which can preserve
our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of property.
I will leave you with this, like Alexander Hamilton "in the progress of this discussion I shall endeavor to give a
satisfactory answer to all the objections which shall have made their
appearance, that may seem to have any claim to your attention."
Guest posted from www.theenlightenedrepublican.com