Thursday, November 2

Hey Democrats Keep Up The Good Work!

Let’s face it, the Democrats are so far out of touch with the American people  and that’s a good thing. Every time Hillary opens her mouth more contributions roll in to the Republican cause. I might add that every time she opens her mouth I understand why Bill cheated on her every chance he got, such an annoying woman.

But she is not the only one helping the Republican Party, every time you read the news there is some lame brain Democrat sticking their foot in their mouth and bolster the Republicans. In the Virginia Governors race the Dems ran an ad that claimed all people who vote for Ed Gillespie were racists and bad people, after the ad ran the Gillespie campaign said that their donations tripled. People are sick of all this racist crap, and eventually the ad was taken down, but the damage was done.

In other news a Democratic National Committee manager said  she doesn’t want “cisgender straight white males” recruited for job openings because “they’re already in the majority.” Wait a second; aren’t they supposed to be the anti-discrimination party? It seems to me they do more discriminating than anyone else.

In more news, a professor at Occidental College said an essential  way to “survive” President Trump’s tenure is for activists to “be as suspicious of males who strongly identify as men as we are of white people who strongly identify as white.” Sounds like more discrimination to me, and the war on men continues.

Identity politics is the only thing the Democrats  have to offer, they offer no solutions for anything. They are for anything that will bring down traditional America and I hope they stay that way. The number of spots in state legislatures, governor's mansions and Congress lost by Democrats during Obama's presidency was 1030.

The only thing I want to say is; hey Democrats keep up the good work, keep playing identity  politics, keep playing the race card, keep defending illegal immigrants and ignoring the citizens of this country. Keep targeting our beliefs are values our Religion. Keep pushing for open boarders and unlimited refugees. Because the more you stay the same, the faster America will become great again.

                  This is one man’s opinion.


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