Monday, November 9

2020 Election: Hate Won

 There is no doubt that Trump revitalized the Republican Party, the Party finally had a president with balls that didn't back down or shy away from a fight with the Democrats. In Donald Trump, we had a president who did exactly what he promised he would do, and there are not many who can say that.

Everything this president did was for the betterment of America and all its people, there is no doubt America is a better place because of President Trump. So with all his accomplishments, and there are too many to list here, why does it look like he might not get a second term, I'll tell you in one word, HATE.

All we have to do is look at his rallies where he had tens of thousands of people, some reaching as high as 50,000 all shouting "4 more years" and "we love you." Seventy-one million people voted for him out of love for Donald Trump and for America.

So what happened? 

Well, seventy-two million people voted for Biden, the man who couldn't remember where he was half the time. Did he receive those votes because they loved him? No, he received them because they hated Donal Trump. 

Anyone with half a brain could see that Biden wasn't mentally capable to be president of this country or any country for that matter, so why did they push that aside and vote for him? Hate.

For me, Donald Trump was the greatest president in my lifetime and I was born when Truman was in office. I don't think I will ever see the likes of him again. 

One thing for sure, if he doesn't get a second term, he should hold his head high when he leaves office because he left America a better place. 

There is an old saying that love conquers all, doesn't seem like it happened this time. Hate Won This Election.

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