Friday, March 7

How really "good" were the good old days?


“Take it with a grin of salt”---Yogi Berra

I try extremely hard to not live in the past. Every time someone says to me…” Remember the good old days?’

Whenever I think really hard about those ‘good old’ days , I can recall they had their share of drama, heartbreak, hurts and anger.

So, I tend to stay in the present as much as I can.

There isn’t anything I can do about yesterday, neither can you. Just move on.

At 80+ years old I have a lot of ‘old days’ , a lot of them I would rather forget than remember.

I do not choose to live in the past, for one thing I can’t do anything about it, and I certainly can’t do much about tomorrow, so I’ll just stick with today, if you don’t mind.

A few years ago, I was at a luncheon and ran into a guy that I had gone to high school with some fifty years ago. The guy was still wearing penny loafers and white crew socks and talking about all the fun we had in the 12th grade. I was bored out of my gourd. He went on and on about those were the best years of his life and how he loved being a cheerleader.

I could not help but feeling sorry for the guy if this was all he had experienced in those 50 years.

Sure, I had fun, but somehow, I feel the experiences of working, going broke, not going broke, getting married and having babies and grandchildren and surviving what has been thrown at me is enough.

I wake up each morning and look at the world as a brand-new canvas to be painted as I see fit. Sometimes it makes for a great painting and sometimes it is a messy watercolor that looks like an explosion.

Isn’t life great?

I tend to keep thinking that things will always get better and they generally have for me over these past years.

A friend of mine asked me the other day how I manage to keep such a positive attitude.

I told him that I always keep ‘looking for the pony’.

He looked puzzled and asking what that meant.

I told him it was simple.

If I step out the back door of my house and step into a big nasty pile of horse poop.

I know there is a pony out there somewhere.

You can do the same.

See you next week.

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