Sunday, July 21

Biden Out! But Biden Gets Last Laugh


Biden accepted being forced out of his campaign again! The establishment did it in 2016 and now today. Biden knew his polls are in the dumpster after the June debate. Once the world caught on that he isn’t capable to run another term, the democrats threw Biden under the bus. 

Even getting Covid, Biden said he was going back on the campaign trail. He said he would leave if his health is failing, or if it is determined that he can’t win this race. He even stressed several days ago that he will stay in the race to win it. However, it’s been predetermined that something is going to happen today regarding him to step aside. Obama and Hillary could take credit for it. 

Now, Biden is getting the last laugh. Biden knew he is in no position to continue the campaign. He stayed on to help himself to make a profit and protect his family from corruption charges. Now, it’s too late for anyone to run against Kamala Harris, who has direct access to Biden campaign funds. In fact, who would run against Harris, a black female? The DNC convention rules is another sticky manner which makes it difficult for delegates, who are pledged to Biden, to commit to another candidate. We are 12 weeks away to the general election and for another candidate, including Harris, to convince the American people to vote for them will be difficult. Let’s not forget there are 4-5 battleground/swing states have laws that prevent removing Biden from the ballot. Another thing, the DNC chairman is a Biden ally. So, any funny business brought by Hillary, Obama, or the establishment will be minimized. Also, Harris and Biden’s cabinet are handpicked by Biden and they are loyalists. Thus, for them to invoke the 25th amendment will be far from remote.

Biden knows Obama is truly behind this ousting but got some help from Hillary Clinton. It’s apparent that it’s selection over election. It’s a political bully tactic. It’s denying 15 million primary Biden voters and pledge delegates to support another candidate. I don’t think that’s called democracy. It is more win at any cost and that is pretty sleazy! Thus, Biden is willing to save face by give the finger to the Democrat party, and give Trump the upper hand. Hating to do it, but Biden is willing to give Trump the edge than giving the satisfaction to his back stabbing Democrat party.  

I think at the end Biden finally gave back to the party exactly what they deserved. Nice job, Joe!

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