Democrats Panic CNN Says a Trump Landslide in November
If former Speaker of the House, the Senate Majority leader, and Congressman Adam Schiff are vocal about Biden to step down, there must be turmoil and chaos in the Democrat Party. The assassination attempt only galvanized Trump higher in the polls. No Democrat in the party, at this point, can enter the race and beat Trump. It’s too late now. August is the month of the Democrat convention. November is the election. The heir of the Democrat presidential nominee is Kamala Harris, if Biden decides to walk away. She’s doesn’t have a chance against Trump. There is no such pathway for the Democrats to win in November.
There is no way for Trump to lose; unless, the Democrats cheat in November. I won’t be surprised if they haven’t set in place bad characters to make it happen. Why, you may ask. Well, since 2020, nothing was set into place to prevent fraud in the elections. Of course, a few states made couple laws. However, no one is addressing the 10 million illegals that flooded in our country, who got a social security card, drivers license, and a voter registration card. The voting machine aren’t fix. The bad players counting the ballot weren’t changed nor fixed. Overall, election integrity is still broken.
Yeah, I’m assuming the Democrats are pretending to panic; so that, they can blind side us at the end. I just pray that I am wrong.
I hope Americans understand that another Democrat in office will destroy this nation. It takes a republican to fix the mistakes a democrat had created. Democrats, Rhinos, and Neo-cons (Bush/Cheny) only want wars, power, profit and ultimate control over the American people (One World Order). It’s uniting one world under the governance of the elitist. Laugh all you want. Open your eyes. Our freedom is deteriorating every single day. Never trust the government. Don’t trust anyone. You must tread carefully; and yet, trust but verify everything!