Tuesday, July 16

Let the FBI Shenanigans Begin on Trump Assassination Investigation

FBI Already Stonewalling Trump Assassination Investigation  

Not less than two days after Trump was shot, the FBI are starting to delay the investigation; hoping that the general public will stop talking about and the media will stop reporting about it.  The FBI are praying the people will be complacent and forget what happened. This is not the first time the “keystone cops” (FBI) have done this. 

For example:

1993 Waco Texas debacle which the FBI botch a rescue that allowed a church to burn killing 76 people, including 26 children  

1995 Oklahoma City Bombing. They had tips about the bombing but ignored it.

2007 The FBI impersonated an Associate Press (AP) reporter and infected a suspect, a 15 year old kid, with malicious malware surveillance software.

2016  Hillary Clinton Email servers. The FBI did not prosecute Hillary from deleting person email marked Secret, Top Secret, and Confidential. The FBI turned a blind eye when she physically destroyed her cell phones with a hammer.

2018 Stoneman Douglas HS shooting. The FBI neglected to forward a tip to the Miami field office, which could had prevented a massacre  

2020. During the J-6 rally, FBI still can’t identify the pipe bomber that led to so many unnecessary arrest and imprisonment.

2023. FBI aren’t able to determine whose cocaine that was left in various places in the White House

Let’s include those from a blog that I wrote yesterday and it would be enough to make your informed opinion about the FBI.

Like I said before, nothing will happen. We will never know what happened with Trump failed assassination. If they happen to know, the GOP are complete cowards to do anything about it.

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