Friday, August 23

No Beyoncé at the DNC. Democrats Lied to Get Viewership! Pathetic!

You know how to get more viewership? LIE! 

The whole DNC convention in Chicago was a fascade. From Day #1, reports from news outlets shown less than half of an attendance. It was a pitiful and embarrassing. They put the president of the United States to give his farewell goodbye at 11:30pm. Viewership of that night was dismal. As Democrat executives of the DNC realized that the last day of the convention will anoint Kamala Harris as the presumptive Democrat presidential candidate, they are afraid viewership would fizzle. 

Thus, they leaked out that a special guest would close-out the DNC convention. Rumors of Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, or George W. Bush may show up to excite the crowd. Its purpose is to bring the energy hopefully through the November election. Well, guess what? No one close the ceremony. The media said that they heard Beyoncé was in the DNC convention. That lie brought up TV ratings and viewership. And when Beyoncé didn’t show up, the DNC, the media, and TMZ (responsible in starting the rumors) said, “Oops. My bad!” 

That is a real disappointment, but not surprised. Democrats have lied to the American people too many times and will continue to do so because we, the American, people, are stupid in nature. No disrepect, but if people are going to forget that Kamala Harris was part of the problem for 3 years with President Biden and believes she will fix the problem that she already caused, then I will stand by my statement.

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