Monday, October 10

Democratic Party Supportive of "Occupy Wall Street" Movement

The Democratic Party took one giant leap to the left today as the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) started an online petition in support of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

Robby Mook, committee chairman, is hoping to gather 100,000 signatures and send them to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Speaker of the House John Boehner, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

First, let me say that the Occupy Wall Street movement has the first amendment right to peaceably assemble. No one is questioning or attempting to revoke their constitutional rights.

Now that we have the political correctness out of the way, let me say this clearly: these people are communist, socialist, Marxists. They do not believe in the American way of life, the American system of government, or the American economic structure. They want America to be more like Cuba.

The worst part of it all is that the Democratic Party and some of its Congressional leaders are endorsing these communist, socialist, Marxists.

Last week, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the House of Representative's highest-ranking Democrat offered words of encouragement for the protesters and said the demonstration would be, "effective." See the clip here: Nancy Pelosi Praises "Occupy Wall Street" Protesters.

The President himself thinks that the protest, "expresses the frustrations that the American people feel." I want to know how the President knows how I feel. 

I do not believe that the protesters represent 99% of America like they claim to do. I am not frustrated with the banking industry.

I am frustrated with the constant class warfare that the President and his cohorts incite.

President Obama ran of the platform of uniting America, but he has divided it further. He has turned the poor against the rich.

Eric Cantor called this practice, "the pitting of Americans against Americans."

Instead of being united against our enemies we have divided ourselves into two groups: the rich, and everyone else who isn't rich.

I fall into the latter category, but still believe in the capitalist system.

The protesters who want to turn America into a 21st centurt Soviet Union do not understand the American Dream.

People flocked to this country in the early 1900s because of the chance for a better future, not because they were guaranteed instant wealth and happiness.

These people are so left-wing that they published a proposed salary structure in their new "Economic Charter". Under this structure doctors would be paid $28,000 per year and the President would make $40,000. Go figure that one out.

You can read part of their declaration here (it's very entertaining): Declaration of the Occupation of New York City.

These protesters are angry at the wrong people.

Corporations wield the power they have because they are the core of the economic cycle in America.

Businesses employ people, supply the needs and wants of its customers, and buy from suppliers who in turn employ more people, et cetera.

If you are upset about the current state of affairs, don't be upset at the corporations. Instead, be upset at the regulatory bureaucracy that is crippling our economy.

Put yourself in this scenario. You are a small business owner with 19 employees. You want to expand your business but the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) requires that businesses with 20 or more employees must provide health insurance benefits. Even with the added revenue you will receive you will no longer turn a profit once you start paying for a portion of your employees' health insurance premiums. Do you still expand?

This is a very vague example, but it demonstrates the damage over-regulation can have on the economy.

The founders designed this country so that the government would not hold all of the wealth, that it would belong to the people. So instead of asking for a handout, make your own luck, be creative, and live the American Dream.

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