Saturday, April 13

Christians and Jews Ignoring the Reality of Their Own Persecution

Posted from Patriot's Corner 

Gary Fouse

"In addition, we must reach out to our allies outside of Christianity. Jews, Hindus, Buddhist and so many others are very much victims today of Islamic terror and persecution.  An alliance must be formed.

-Michael Finch
Front Page Magazine

There are two poignant articles running today that paint a depressing picture of anti-Semitism and anti-Christian persecution and how they are being ignored by the leaders of their faiths. The first is by Caroline Glick, a Jewish  American writer for the Jerusalem Post. The second is by Front Page Magazine writer Michael Finch

Beyond ignoring Islamic persecution of Jews and Christians, we have numerous examples of Jewish and Christian groups in the West aligning themselves with the persecutors or simply denying the problem. In the case of US Jews, we have Jewish Voice for Peace, a virulently anti-Israel mob of anarchists. As for the ADL under Abe Foxman, they are loathe to call out any Muslims who engage in anti-Semitic rhetoric. Foxman himself has denied the problem on the UC Irvine campus. I won't even bother repeating my complaints about the pathetic Jewish Federation of Orange County, which has been a big part of the problem at UCI. They are so embedded with the university and wrapped up in soliciting funds, they don't want the bad news about UCI to get out to the community and prospective Jewish students.

Meanwhile in the face of all the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, what does the US leadership of the Presbyterian Church do? They join hands with the pro-Palestinian lobby against Israel. Where is their outrage against what is happening in Egypt and elsewhere? If I ever figure out which branch of Protestantism I wish to identify with, it sure won't be the Presbyterians.

In the final analysis, writer Michael Finch has it right in the selected quote above.

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