Wednesday, November 6

Trump Win by a Landslide and the Trifecta

 The other day I posted a blog thay was deleted by the moderators of this website claiming to violate community standards, which they said I may seek legal counsel to reverse their decision and if it violated my constitutional rights.  My response to these people for being too sensitive that I used two words that describes a world leader from Germany in the 1930 who cause atrocities to human kind. It is ironic that these words were used throughout this election cycle and I got reprimanded for stating what was said by the democrat party, the MSM, and the pundits/Hollywood. 

I am assuming a liberal sensitive twat had a meltdown of the words I said in my deleted post, but I probably could been more eloquent by using big words to avoid my blog from being deleted by these pansy moderators. 

At this point it doesn’t matter. My post had been viewed and shared my many. The resultant outcome came true. Trump won the 2024 presidential election by a landslide.  With Arizona left to be tabulated, Trump not only won the electoral college by 301-226, he also won the popular vote by 52% to 48% and both chambers of congress. That is called winning the Trifecta!

The credit goes to the GOP for getting out the vote, encouraging to vote early, and use mail in ballot. Also, they got a massive army of lawyers and poll watching volunteers for this election. This election was too big to rig. It was difficult for the deep state to start any shenanigans because the American people became wise of their foolishness. If fact, this election was called after 12 midnight; instead of the fiasco of waiting for weeks for the winner in 2020. Yes. there are reports of voting machines malfunctioning and late ballots coming in after the fact, but those were resolved immediately with the court systems.  It’s easier to resolve the issue before the close of Election Day than after the votes are counted. Hence, we knew who was our elected officials after the close of Election Day. 

This is good news for Trump who wanted to redeem himself from 4 years ago. In 2016, he admitted he didn’t know what to do when he won the presidency. He trusted in too many people who he should never trusted. This time round will be different. He won the hearts of many people of color, race, and creed. They became the MAGA movement.  Trump then built alliance with smart people who are democrats, republicans, and independents not part of the Washington establishment.  In fact, he got a coalition of business minded and antiestablishment individuals to help him run the country, like Elon Musk, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, and former congressman Ron Paul. 

So expect, a boom in the economy with deregulation on businesses , drill baby drill to bring down inflation, closing the boarders and massive deportation for American security, and ending these useless around the world to bring peace. 

Of course, the liberals are scared because they fear of retribution for what they done to him for the past 8 years. Well, let them worry because the anticipation is far worst than from it happening. I truly believe Trump will do great. We saw it during his first term in office; minus the shenanigans of the establishment 2 impeachment hearings. However, at the same time, except some reciprocity to the establishment by Trump as he drains he swamp.  I will be looking forward for that and many more. Congratulations Donald Trump. I want to give thanks to God to let His Will Be Done!


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