Thursday, November 7

Democrats are to Blame themselves for their Failure

 The meltdown of the liberal left is a sight of behold. Unlike the disappointed Republicans had to endure a stolen election of 2020, Republicans sucked it up and suffered the next 4 years of dementia Joe and an incompetent Kamala Harris.  Yes, I went there and said the election of 2020 was stolen. Using the pandemic as an excuse to overtly cheat, Biden claims he garnered 81 million votes. This is completely impossible and improbable. From Wikipedia, in 2008, Obama got 69 million votes and in 2012, and he got 65 million votes. This election season, Kamala got 66 million votes to 72.9 million votes for Trump. During the 2020, Trump got 74 million votes. Hillary could only muster 65 million votes in 2016 and you are tellling me Biden surpassed Hillary and Obama. It is very unlikely. 

But I digress.

To see the uproar of the Hollywood elitist who claim they will move to another country if Trump wins and don’t is becoming very lame and stupid. To see the average American in complete meltdown of a Trump win won’t give a reason why they must act out as idiots on social media. And it’s always the liberals who must act out like a bunch of crybabies. 

Now the liberals of the MSM are trying to understand what went wrong.  They using the racist narrative and it not working. One MSM personality said it best. Kamala Harris lost her presidential bid due to Identity politics. Trying to target specific groups of people and to divide the masses is called controlling the mass of blind sheep. For example, Kamala tried to sway the Arab population in Michigan with a pro-Muslim ad; while at the same time, she places ads in Jewish community in Pennsylvania for the support of Israel. It is complete hypocrisy and the liberal Washington establishment think the American people won’t see it. 

Well, the American people had spoken.  Harris got 226 electoral college and Trump got 312 electoral college. In the popular vote, it went Trump 52% to Harris 48%. That is a landslide, folks. And for the liberals who want to know who voted for Trump, it is very diverse. Gen Z votes gave a huge support to Trump with 46%,  15% from black voters, 41% from Hispanics, and won from a majority of white woman (Trump 52% - Harris 47%). It is also worth to note any rebuttal from the left that Trump stole the election is considered mute because he won the popular vote. 

It’s very difficult to overlook that fact that this Trump win would not occur without Biden’s part by putting Harris in as his substitute stand-in before allowing Obama push for open elections in the DNC. That was a special gift that Biden can give back to America. Biden can always claim that he was the only candidate who beat Trump with 81 million votes. The least we can do is to give it to him; even though we knew what really happened in 2020. Also, we have to credit Kamala Harris’ ineptitude by not picking Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania as her running mate and her constant word salad interviews that made people cringe. Her decisions during her short presidential campaign was a total disaster and just imagine if she won. Thanks goodness we won’t be seeing her or her vice presidential candidate Waltz anymore in the political spectrum. Good bye and good riddance. 

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